Page 37 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
P. 37

        The 12” combined sanitary/storm sewer connection will be provided and connected to the street municipal sewer on 14  Street.
        Sanitary Drainage from plumbing fixtures on the ground floor and above shall connect by gravity to the building sanitary sewer.
        All sanitary drainage from the cellar level shall flow by gravity to duplex sewage ejector pumps with each pump sized for 100
        percent of capacity and located in Cellar level.  The ejector discharge shall connect to the building sanitary house sewer after the
        house trap.

        An individual venting system shall be installed to each plumbing fixture.
        Capped outlets for sanitary and vent will be provided for each retail space.


        The complete storm drainage system will be provided per NYC building code and DEP requirements.
        The storm water detention tank, will be located on the Cellar level and sized per DEP requirements. A double detention method will
        be used by utilizing the roof detention method, this will help reduce size of the storm water tank. The total detention volume is
        around 1,500 cubic feet.
        Secondary (emergency) roof drains will be provided and tie into the primary drainage system in the vertical conductor.
        The storm house sewer will be conveyed by gravity to the municipal sewer one 14  Street.

        5.3.4  NATURAL GAS SYSTEM

        Gas will be brought into the building by the utility company. Each programming space will be separately metered by Con Ed.
        Gas piping will be extended and connected to the gas equipment (boilers and restaurant equipment)

        14th @ IRVING                                                                                             WSP
        Project No.  B1809809.000
        RAL COMPANIES & AFFILIATES                                                                             Page 37
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