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6.  Ask learners to explain the food chain based on what they
                                              have already learnt.
                                              •  Alert the learners that arrows point in the direction in
                                                 which the energy flows.
                                              •  Tell the learners that the grass gets its energy from the sun.
                                              •  The first organism is the producer, which is always a plant.
                                              •  All the other organisms in the food chain are consumers.
                                              •  Ask learners to identify the producer and consumers in
                                                 the food chain.
                                              •  Also, ask learners to identify the herbivore (Cricket) and
                                                 the carnivores (Lizard and Eagle), and the top predator
                                                 (the Eagle).

                                           7.  Learners now work in groups for the activity.

                                           8.  Hand out to each group a set of the biotic cards and a large
             Useful Websites
                                              sheet of newsprint and prestik.
             See website
             http://safoodwebs.            9.  Groups arrange the cards to form a food web, linking cards
               with arrows to show who is eating what or whom.
             for the completed food
             webs for each of the          10.  Each learner then completes the learner task sheet.

             34   Resource Toolkit for Intermediate Phase

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