Page 2 - ISSD_Uganda_Brief 16
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3) The information session on certified This research is also interested in whether
seed increased the farmers’ knowledge but information about certified seed increases
did not lead to a significant increase in the willingness to pay. We therefore
stated willingness to pay. The randomized provided half the sample with an
experiment shows little impact of providing information session to find out if they
additional information on the WTP for would be willing to pay more if farmers are
certified seed. This suggests that there are assured the seed is of good quality.
other barriers to adoption than information
and awareness. Future research should Methodology
therefore focus on other barriers to To measure the willingness to pay, we used
adoption, such as access, risk aversion, a 2kg pack of certified maize seed variety
credit constraints, seasonal cash flow, and Longe 5D, which is a well-known variety in
farmers’ trust in certification and certified Northern Uganda. The two target districts
seed products. were Dokolo and Nwoya, which are maize
growing areas. The final sample included
Introduction 1,009 farmers, of which 400 are in Dokolo
Improving agricultural productivity in and 609 in Nwoya. The survey took place in
Uganda is a policy priority, as agriculture the first half of April, 2016, over a period of
provides a livelihood to approximately 65% two weeks, which coincided with the late
of the population. Efforts to expand start of the first planting season. During
agricultural productivity in Uganda have, the information session we showed a
amongst others, focussed on technological certified seed label and provided
change and specifically the adoption of information on good quality seed (high
yield enhancing seed varieties. germination, purity, uniform seed sizes).
In the past, many new high yielding maize Quality assured seed and farmer seed
varieties have been released by breeders sources
for commercialisation, but uptake of
improved maize varieties remains
persistently low. In Uganda with
approximately 13% of farmers using
certified seed accessed through
agro-dealers, seed companies and through
NGO/Government handouts (ISSD, 2014).
The Integrated Seed Sector Development
(ISSD) is interested in understanding the
determinants underlying the adoption of Certified seed label
certified seed in general and maize seed in Uganda has a mandatory seed inspection
particular. system that recognises two seed classes:
Certified seed and Quality Declared Seed
In Uganda maize seed is the most (QDS). Certification is a process which
commercialised seed of the food crops. To translates unobservable levels of seed
get a better understanding of why the quality into observable attributes, allowing
uptake of certified seed is persistently low, farmers to differentiate between different
we elicit ed the WTP for certified maize qualities of seed. Certified seed obtained
seed amongst smallholder farmers in from a formal source should reduce the risk
Northern Uganda. of seed borne pests and diseases,
guarantee high germination, physical and
genetic purity.
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