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connection with our clients is essential to make the
experience of building a house as pleasant as possible.
O High quality, Delivering a consistent high level of quality
with both our service and the design and construction of your
home is what we stand for, and what we strive to do everyday.
O Unique designs, The essence of what we do is
designing a home that perfectly ts in with your needs. We
are happy to say our award winning designs are truly unique
and built to fulll your lifestyle needs.
O Licensed, Since 1993 we have had an unrestricted and
more importantly; unblemished Builders license
(No: 196388C). We are also members of the Australian Institute
of quantity surveyors (No: 9305), The Australian Institute of
Building (No: 9729) and of the Master Builders association.
So you can be assured we will not walk out on you halfway
through the project.
Other reasons to choose for O Personal approach, We believe that having a real
Oscar Design& Construction
Experienced Quality inclusions Accredited by NSW
The contractors that will built Our standard inclusions are We have been accredited by the
the house for us have loads of of high quality, using brands New South Wales government for
experience and we have been like SMEG for the standard our environmental management
working with them for a long inclusions. However you do policy. Looking after the
time now so you can believe us have the option to upgrade environment is something we
when we say they are good at whatever you like. On page believe is important and take
what they do. 20 you can nd all our very seriously.