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Other reasons to choose for

                                                    Oscar Design& Construction

    Transparancy                                    6 year warranty                                       Happy customers                                         Experienced


    You get one upfront price                       If anything is wrong with the                         We are proud to be able to                              The contractors that will built

    and you are involved in                         house then we will solve it                           say it is an extremely rare                             the house for us have loads of

    every step of the process                       for you. We however are                               occurence that we have a                                experience and we have been

    to ensure there are no                          convinced you will be more                            customer who is not happy                               working with them for a long

    unwanted surprises.                             than satised and to give                             with us and the end product.                            time now so you can believe us

                                                    meaning to those words we                             On the next page you can                                when we say they are good at

                                                    always give a 6 year home                             read about how some of our                              what they do.

                                                    warranty.                                             clients experienced working

                                                                                                          with us.

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