Page 14 - JCTIC Appendix
P. 14
Item Name of Competition Organizer Section Class Name Award
1 Composition 5D WONG Chi Hei Third
(Preliminary Round)
2 2016-17 全國青少年語文知識大賽 中國青少年語言文化學會 6A YEUNG Tsz May Second
Composition (Final
3 6A YEUNG Tsz May Third
Dean’s List (2015-2016 Spring), School
of Business and Management, The The Hong Kong University of 2014-15
4 2015-2016 Spring TSANG Pak Yin Dean’s List
Hong Kong University of Science and Science and Technology Graduate
Harris-Stowe State University, USA Full Sports
5 Harris-Stowe State University, USA Sports 6A WONG Wai Yee
Scholarship 2017-18 Scholarship
Hong Kong Institute of Certified
HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for Public Accountants and Hong Kong Business, Accounting
6 5E LEUNG Yuen Yung Awardee
BAFS (2016) Association for Business Education and Financial Studies
HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund, HKSAR Government
Diploma in Chinese Medicine, Hong Hong Kong Institute of Technology 2013-14
7 --- LAM Yin Lai Scholarship Fund
Kong Institute of Technology (Non-Profit (Non-Profit Making) Graudate ($10,000)
Making) (2015-16)
8 International Junior Science Olympiad Hong Kong Academy for Gifted LAU Man Yan
9 2017 – Hong Kong Screening Education Science 3C LEUNG Ming Yau Third Class Honour
Multi-faceted Excellence 2015-16
10 Home Affairs Bureau Sport (Sailing) HATCH Martha Mai Excellence
Scholarship 2015-16 Graduate
Nicola Myers and Kenneth Mcbride
11 ESF Island School --- 6A LAM Tsz Ting Awardee
Memorial Fund (2016)
12 CHAN Ting Sze Daisy Outstanding
President's Honor 2014-15 Academic
13 Roll l Graduate LAU Wai Hing Achievements
14 CHEUNG Young Two
15 HO Hiu Tung
16 Graduate NG Ka Ka Alyson
17 Outstanding Academic Achievements Hong Kong Baptist University TAM Yu Ching
18 (2016) (College of International Education) TSUI Sung Ling Outstanding
19 Dean's List LI Jong Wa Junias Academic
20 CHEUNG Lok Yiu Achievements
21 2014-15 TSANG Uen Wing
22 Graduate WONG Sze Ying
23 YIP Chi Shing
Prizes & Awards – Academic 1