Page 19 - JCTIC Appendix
P. 19

Item   Name of Competition   Organizer   Section   Class   Name   Award
 54                                KWUN Yuen Hei
                            5E                            High Distinction
 55                                LEE Yorki
 56                                CHAN Tung Ching
 57                         5E     LI Nga Man             Distinction
 58   Secondary School Mathematics &   The Hong Kong Polytechnic   Biology   WONG Lok Yue
 59   Science Competition 2017   University   HO Ching Hang
                            5E                            Credit
 60                                CHAN San Yu
 61                         5B     LAU Chui Ying
 62                        5D      WONG Hoi Ting          Proficiency
 63                         5E     LEUNG Ka Long
 64   Shatin District      3C      WONG Chun Yin
    Outstanding Student                                   Awardee
 65   The 13th Shatin District Outstanding   Shatin Youths Association   - Secondary Junior   6E   TANG Wai Kei
 66   Student Award        3C      HUI Yat Nga
    Team Junior                                           Awardee
 67                         6E     TANG Wai Kei
 The D.H.Chen Foundation Scholarship   2010-11
 68   The D.H.Chen Foundation   ---   CHAN Yo Yee         Awardee
 2017/18                 Graduate
 69                         5A     CHU Ka Wai             The Final Winner of
                                                          Book Prize
 70                         5B     FONG Melissa Hiu-Lam    Scholarship and
 The Harvard Book Prize Scholarship   The Harvard Club of Hong Kong   ---   Summer Program at
 2017                                                     the Harvard Summer
 71                        5C      NG Man Tung Rosetta
                                                          School in the United

 Prizes & Awards – Academic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            3
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