P. 50

[ A  man  is
                                                                                                   success  if
                                                                                                   he  get  up
                                                                                        in  the  morning  and
             There are 62000 miles of blood vessels in the
             human body laid end to end they would circle                             goes to bed at night and
             the earth 2.5 times.                                                      in between does what
                                                                                       he want to do.
             At over 2000 kilometers long the great barrier     [ Nothing success like the appearance of
             reef is the largest living structure on earth.
                                                                [ There is only one success to be able to
             A thimbleful of a neutron star would weigh
                                                                    spend your life in your own way.
             over 100 million tons.
                                                                [ Real success is finding your lifework in

             The ocean contain enough salt to cover all the         the work that your love.
             continents to a depth of nearly 500 feet.          [ The man virtue make the difficulty to be
                                                                    overcome first fuseness and success on a
             A  typical  hurricane  produces  the  energy           subsequently  considerations.
             equivalent of 8000 one megaton bomb facts.
                                                                [ success  is  a  business,  require  training
                                                                    and discipline.
             We  can  produce  laser  light  a  million  times
                                                                [ Aim of success not perfection never give
             brighter than sunshine.
                                                                    up your right to be wrong because there
             Polar bears can run at 25 miles an hour and            you  lose  the  ability  to  learn  new-thing
             jump over 6 feet in the air.                           and move forward with your life.

                                                                      Mh. Shadab Class- 6 (B)
                                                                      Inspiring Thoughts

                     My Mother                                  þ Happiness is a positive cash flow.
                     My Mother
                     My Mother
                     My Mother
                     My Mother
                     My Mother
                                                                þ We first make our habits , and then habits
                                                                   makes us.
                                                                þ Patience is a companion of wisdom.
                                                                þ Courage is resistance to fear , mastery of
                                                                   fear not absence of fear.
                      The beautiful gift of nature,             þ nothing  great  in  the  world  has  been
                         she is my first teacher                   accomplished without passion.
                       She was always by my side                þ Achieving starts with believing.
                      for the moments when i cried
                   I'm obliged for everything she share         þ A wise man still make opportunities than
                     The tender love and endless care              he finds.
                     She made the earth adore of god            þ The innocent are God's  select.
                         For this , i love her a lot            þ Jealousy is always born with love; but does

                                                                   not always died with it.
                                             Ishmeet Kaur       þ Life is one long struggle in the dark.
                                              Class - 3(A)
                                                                                                Ashruti Deshwal
                                                                                                  Class- 9(C)

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