Page 6 - Pure Magazine Issue 2
P. 6
Scared of rejection
and setbacks?
6 top tips to help you combat low confidence,
setbacks and rejection.
By Samantha Morris
How many of us experience a fear of
Here are my 6 tips to help you to combat low
rejection? I would guess that most, if not all of
confidence and to bounce back from rejection.
us have experienced this at one time or
1. What are you fearful of?
You may think you already know what you're
In a world of social media, ‘likes’, and
fearful of but sometimes the real reason may
splashing our lives across media platforms we
be deeper than you think. Being clear on what
are living in a world where sometimes it may
you are scared of nips fear in the bud and
feel like we are all part of one giant and
takes away its power.
inescapable PR scoop focused on the idea of
being ‘liked’, accepted or followed.
Tip: Ask yourself is this a fear which is
overwhelming and difficult to move on from?
Of course this can also happen in our careers,
If it is, then finding a therapist to help you to
personal lives or relationships and has the
explore and to heal may be the key. If your
potential to knock your confidence into the
fears are less serious then a coach will be able
ground and prevent you from experiencing
to help you to positively challenge and
the true extent of success and happiness.
overcome your obstacles and limiting beliefs
so that you can live a more fulfilling and
So what happens when you find it difficult to
successful life.
combat rejection, setbacks or the fear of not
being ‘liked’?
2. You will never please everyone
The reality is that it’s impossible to please
everyone and why would you want to?
(wouldn’t life be boring if this was the case).
So, as much as it’s easy to say and harder to
do, try not to take rejection personally. Have
the courage to be truthful to yourself, your
values, your energy, and you will attract all
that you want into your life.
Tip: Write down in a book all the things you
are proud of and all the qualities trusted
friends and family value about who you are.
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