Page 7 - Pure Magazine Issue 2
P. 7

3. Rejection does not reflect who you are             6.Don’t give up! Rejection and Setbacks
                                                                can actually lead you to success 
          So many people experience knocks to their
          confidence and as a result they may apply this
                                                                Don’t give up! It may sound ironic, and
          experience to every area of their life to the
                                                                certainly rejection or setbacks will certainly
          point where they end up living a life of self
                                                                not have a feel good factor at the time, but in
          fulfilling prophecies and limiting beliefs. The
                                                                the mid-long run, setbacks and rejection
          truth is that rejection and setbacks do not
                                                                actually help clear a space for the right
          define who you are or what you’re capable of.
                                                                opportunities, relationships and situations.
          There are many wonderful parts to you!

                                                                Tip: How can you see this experience of
          Tip: Be truthful with yourself and ask how true
                                                                rejection as a positive opportunity and as an
          is it that these experiences define you, your
                                                                opening for all the opportunities, which may
          capabilities and all that you are?
                                                                be waiting just around the corner?

          4. Have more than one string to your bow 

          You cannot always rely on one option, so try to
          have another 2-3 options lined up. By doing
          this you will be giving yourself more options,
          opportunities and you’ll be less likely to
          experience really harsh disappointment.

          Tip: what is your back up plan? What 2-3
          things can you line up today?

          5. Take back your own power

          Looking for love, or being ‘liked’ and accepted
                                                               Samantha Morris is an Internationally
          by everyone else may give you a short term
                                                               accredited IAPC&M Confidence and Success
          boost of confidence, but in the long run it is a
                                                               Coach. She globally coaches people from all
          sign you are giving away your own power and
                                                               walks of life to positively overcome a wide
          choices and it will not reward you with
                                                               range of professional and personal challenges
          sustainable confidence, health or happiness!
                                                               so that they may live a confident, successful
          Consider all those celebrities or public figures
                                                               and thriving life! To read more or to contact
          who are surrounded by people and yet deep
                                                               Samantha please see her coaching website
          down they are usually lost or lonely. The first
          imperative step to success is loving yourself

          and taking back your own power (including
          the quirky and crazy wonderful you!) Once you

          are on that road then your vibe will start to

          attract your tribe!
                                                               Samantha also practices from Harley Street

                                                               London where she is a HCPC and MBACP
          Tip: without looking for acknowledgement or
                                                               registered Integrative Art Psychotherapist. To
          love from other people, what one thing can
                                                               read more or to contact Samantha please see
          you do today to focus on loving and valuing
                                                               her integrative Art Psychotherapy website
          yourself? If this is difficult, why not think about
          your role model and consider how they would

          bounce back from rejection! You may surprise
          yourself to know that all of these confident

          qualities are within you!

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