Page 3 - 2018HomecareHighlights
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Advocacy Efforts Bring Deemed Eligibility within Reach
This year, PHA advocates took on the challenge of passing legislation to permit homecare and home health
agencies to begin serving Medicaid waiver participants while they wait for their financial eligibility paperwork to be
processed by the county. This “deemed eligibility” would help make home-based care accessible for applicants who
sometimes wait up to nine months for services to be approved, while a nursing home is able to admit an applicant
right away and be paid later once the eligibility determination is complete. PHA drafted legislation to allow
retroactive payment for homecare services for up to 60 days
to help even the playing field. The legislation was introduced
at the end of 2017 and passed the House and Senate, yet
necessary amendments delayed the bill’s final approval and
time ran out.
Member advocates sent a record number of messages to
their elected officials. The good news is that a new legislative
session will begin in 2019 and PHA will once again introduce
similar le gislation. Everyone knows that care at home should
be the first choice for everyone applying for Medicaid
coverage .
PHA at Work for YOU! Homecare Licenses Per Year
• Weekly meetings with OLTL officials
on implementation of CHC
• Provider representatives on the
Managed Long-Term Services and
Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee of
the Medical Assistance Advisory
Committee (MAAC), which oversees
implementation of CHC
• Member of the Long-Term Care
MAAC, which oversees homecare
serv ices provided outside of CHC, Source: DOH 2016 Provider Statistics
enrollment and eligibility issues Competition is Fierce
• Partnership for Medicaid Home- PHA Membership Sets YOU Apart!
Based Care, national
• Department of Human Services’
eHealth Advisory Board DOH reported
• Quarterly Meetings with DOH
Surveyor Team
licensed homecare providers statewide in 2018