Page 4 - 2018HomecareHighlights
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                     Join PHA for a Homecare-Focused
                                Educational Event!                                         On Our Radar

                                                                                           •  Reintroduce legislation
        Southeast Community HealthChoices Check-In (February 8)                                to permit deemed
               Half-day session to bring together providers, MCOs, OLTL and                    eligibility for homecare
               HHAeXchange to review issues and questions from the first month of          •  Continued advocacy for
                                                                                               increase in Medicaid
        Strategic Focus: A Game Plan for Growing the Agency You Want                           personal assistance
        (March 14)                                                                             services (PAS) rate
               Get in the game with this interactive workshop focused on major trends      •  Successful transition to
               shaping the future of home-based care, and how to develop a strategic           CHC for southeast
               scorecard to measure your agency’s performance                                  providers
                                                                                           •  Reform Older Adult
        PHA Annual Conference & Exposition (May 1-3)                                           Protective Services Act
               Three-day conference in Lancaster featuring national speakers and           •  Develop partnerships to
               breakout sessions in four tracks, including homecare                            help homecare agencies
                                                                                               collect and analyze data
        Homecare Webinar Series                                                            •  Assist agencies in
               In 2019, PHA will continue its series of education webinars targeted to         improving relationships
               private-pay homecare agencies. Topics from 2018 included growing                with MCOs
               your business, recruiting the right staff, and using data to prove your
               agency’s value

        Homecare 101 Workshop
               Coming in Summer 2019, back by popular demand is PHA’s Homecare          Full listing of events at
               101 Workshop to review everything you need to know to open a   
               homecare agency, enroll in Medicaid and stay compliant

        Regional Meetings
               Each fall, PHA staff hit the road to spend a full day with members
               discussing the latest industry trends and regulatory and legislative
               updates – FREE for members!

               600 N. 12  Street, Suite 200
               Lemoyne, PA 17043


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