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March 2025 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 17 Community
 The Mayhew Program Welcomes Scott Allenby and Jennifer Crane to Board of Trustees
Scott Allenby is the Chief Strategy and Communications Officer at Proctor Academy and has long been a dedicated supporter of Mayhew and its mission. With over 20 years of experience in the independent school world, Scott has served as a teacher, administrator, coach, and mentor. His deep under- standing of the positive impact mentorship can have on young people, especially boys, aligns perfectly with Mayhew’s values. Scott has long admired the com- mitment of those who have ded- icated their lives to the program and its boys, and he is eager to continue this important work.
Scott looks forward to sharing his expertise in marketing, fund- raising, and messaging. He is pas- sionate about raising awareness and elevating Mayhew’s mission, both across New Hampshire and
beyond, helping the organiza- tion grow and reach even more young people. We are thrilled to have Scott’s vision and leadership as part of our team and look for- ward to the positive impact he will undoubtedly make.
Jennifer Crane, the former Director of Development at the Mayhew Program, has built a successful career in fundraising. She has held positions at Bow- doin College, the University of Maine School of Law, Mayhew, and currently serves as Senior Director of Advancement for Engagement and Operations at her alma mater, Holderness School. Jennifer also recently completed nine years of service on the Circle Program Board of Directors.
A New Hampshire native with deep ties to Newfound Lake, Jennifer is passionate
about Mayhew’s mission and believes strongly in the transfor- mative power of camp and men- torship for young people. She is eager to apply her expertise in fundraising, fiscal oversight, op- erations, and board leadership to support Mayhew’s continued growth. Jennifer looks forward to reconnecting with the Mayhew community and helping advance its mission by strengthening con-
nections to build a lasting support network for the boys.
Since 1969, Mayhew has worked with over 2,400 New Hampshire boys, challenging them to believe in themselves, work well with others, and find their best. It is the only all-boys program in the state that com- bines school-year mentoring and a residential summer program for at-risk boys, tuition-free,
through high school graduation. All Mayhew participants benefit from regular mentoring visits in their home communities from Mayhew's team of professional outreach staff in one-on-one and small group settings throughout the year. The focus is on help- ing the boys apply the program ideals of respect, responsibility, community, and challenge to their lives at home, school, and beyond. The boys enter the pro- gram at age ten, and Mayhew is part of their journey until high school graduation.
For more information about The Mayhew Program, volun- teer opportunities, island tours, and upcoming events, please visit or find us on Facebook and Linked-In at The Mayhew Program.
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