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March 2025
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should experience what Slim must have felt, “The deepening of the love of beauty inspired by the hills and valleys with their lights and shadows, the rocks, the trees, the ever-changing sky.”
Dr. Walden, a learned pro- fessor of international studies, and his family helped to craft an additional vision for those at the ceremony, that the inspiration experienced at this reserve on Little Round Top would “Widen and deepen human brother- hood for which mankind had ur- gent need and to support those in other lands and conditions who contribute much to that goal.” Those in attendance who had labored to foster the Slim Baker Foundation responded with a spoken affirmation of that vision. It was a farsighted promise that needs addressing as urgently today as it did over five decades ago.
The author thanks Jenne Walker and Dick Tapply, Jr. for their contri- butions to this article.
Donations made by made to the Slim Baker Foundation at slimbaker. org/donate
  vehicles (with permission) to the peak of Little Round Top. The Stevens Trail runs at times par- allel to the Worthen Trail. It be- gins close to the SB Foundation’s lodge, a timbered, bedecked building (a good location from which to start an exploration of the woodland reservation). While each trail has unique at- tributes, a trail of special interest to children is the “Story Walk.” This trail has, at intervals, pages displayed on sign boards from a children’s book. Last year’s story was Robert Frost’s Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, il- lustrated by Vivian Mineker.
The People
Currently, the SB Founda- tion is guided by its Executive Director, Jenne Walker. Jenne came to the Foundation with an extensive resume of relevant knowledge and experience in wilderness management from college degrees, time as a USDA Ranger in the White Mountains, and more recently, as Direc- tor of Education at the Squam Lake Association. The Founda- tion, under Jenne, has a Board Of Directors. Its Co-Chairs are Brittany Durgin and Conserva- tion Officer Jim Kneeland. Of special note is Board member Dick Tapply who served as the Board Chair for many years. All told, his commitment to the SB Foundation goes back to his school days over half a century ago! These SB Foundation Di- rectors have many tasks. They allocate funds, oversee the main- tenance of the land and facili- ties, and coordinate programs with other organizations such as schools, scout troops, NLRA, Plymouth State University, and the Tapply Thompson Center.
An important function of the Board is to plan strategically for the future. In this regard, they envision new programs and facilities. Currently, the SB Foundation is hoping to finance a pavilion which will introduce many new possible activities in the SB Area.
The Promise
Most visitors to the SB Area make at least one trip to Inspi- ration Point. It is a relatively easy climb (less than 2/10 of a mile) to experience the pan- oramic view of the Pemi Val- ley and the mountains beyond. Upon traversing the crest at the point, the visitors first see a huge cross. Noted in a poem by A.B. Thompson as “Carved from the heart of living oak, with only a keen axe edge....”. This clearing at the pinnacle of Lit- tle Round Top provides visitors with welcome benches, adding the possibilities of fellowship to individual reflection.
This hilltop destination was developed by the work of many volunteers and underwritten by
the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Stevens. They wanted this special place to be a me- morial to their son, Dean, who had been killed in a plane crash at age 27. The dedication of Inspiration Point was held on August 14, 1966. Those in at- tendance included, in person or in spirit, the many who had worked to create the Slim Baker Area. These included Wink Tapply and his son Dick Jr., Al
Genetti, Dr. John Greenan and his son John Jr., Bud Sheffield, Sam Worthen, Rev. Louis Top- pan and Rev. A.B. Thompson, C. and D. Gray, Ken Tilton, W. Barrett, M. Westfall and, of course, Lucy Baker and Reba Follansbee Hipson, as well as many others. Words of dedica- tion reminded those attending that all in this commemorative woodland overlooking the land once protected by Slim Baker
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