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May 2024
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pranuclear Palsy, the disease that took Mike’s father’s life in Janu- ary of 2023. Mike’s dad, who was able to visit the Last Chair once in 2022, will surely be there again in spirit. Mike’s mom, Patrice, plans to attend. It will be an oc- casion when Mike, Marisa, and their staff will be able to continue to “contribute to people feeling at home and having a special moment”. Ultimately, it is this dedication to service and joy in its delivery that gives a LIFT TO THE LAST CHAIR.
the nickname Mike’s dad gave to Mike’s son (Michael). Not to leave Emily out, there is also “Little Sis- ter”. The brewery produces be- tween 500 to 800 barrels of beer a year and in addition to availabil- ity at the Last Chair, its product is distributed to 40 locations in New Hampshire. The restaurant is popular and uniquely deco- rated with humorous skeletal icons perched in what must truly have been those apparitions’ Last Chairs. Customers enjoy table faire from specialty burgers and pizza to several full entrees.
To Mike and Marisa, the staff is family. Although the “family” is a large one (there are 33 employ- ees), it will probably grow as the Zuppas are expanding the facility by 4000 square feet to accommo- date the growing clientele and to provide room for functions, a beer garden, and games.
May 3, 4, and 5 will mark the third anniversary of the Zuppa's ownership of the Last Chair. It will be a celebration with bands, crafts, games etc. It will serve a benevolent purpose as well. Funds will be raised to find a cure for Su-
Mike Jr. and Mike Sr.
the Last Chair’s new owners by April Fool’s Day in 2021. How- ever, that day known for duplic- ity, led to a final challenge. The Zuppas could find no place to live. Mike and his son would have to live in a camper on the Last Chair property until late summer. Marisa returned to New Jersey, providing income from her work as a teacher as well as family sta- bility for Emily who was finishing
her last year of high school. Mike recalls those days for the family as “tough”. Thankfully, the Zuppas were reunited in their new home in Alexandria the following year.
As noted, The Last Chair Restaurant and Brewery has prospered under Mike and Mari- sa’s management. The brewery prides itself on offering a wide assortment of craft beers. One of these, “ZIP”, is named after
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Come for the beer, stay for the food!
May 3-5
Craft fair, brewery
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Photo From the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid
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currently closed as a result.
The New Hampshire State Fire Marshal's Office confirmed that they were called upon for assistance, with local firefighters leading the response efforts. As per the Flying Monkey's calen- dar, the historic venue was in the midst of hosting a performance by a Foreigner and Journey trib- ute band. The Plymouth Fire Department promptly arrived at the scene, mobilizing three alarms within minutes and summoning assistance from 12
neighboring towns.
Vincent Vella, CEO of The
Common Man Family, the entity
owning The Flying Monkey, re- leased a statement detailing the evacuation process and their ini- tial assessment of the situation:
"During our show, 450 guests, employees, and musicians were safely evacuated from The Fly- ing Monkey upon the realiza- tion that the adjacent building was ablaze. We're relieved that everyone exited unharmed and extend our gratitude to the Plymouth Fire Department and neighboring crews for their prompt response. The support pouring in via social media is heartening, and we're touched by the concern shown for our cherished venue, staff, guests, and The Common Man family."