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                                                                                                                                               May 2024 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 5 Community
Central NH Chamber of Commerce Announces Second Annual Scavenger Hunt Fundraiser
 PLYMOUTH – The Cen- tral NH Chamber of Com- merce (CNHCC) is bringing back its unique road rally/scav- enger hunt fundraiser on Satur- day, May 18, 2024.
The Heart of 603 Scaven- ger Hunt, presented by Mere- dith Village Savings Bank, has a twist–it takes competitors on the road. Teams start the event at Legion Speedway in Went- worth and follow written, num- bered instructions to complete an easy driving route through the CNHCC service area. They solve puzzles, visit member busi- nesses, and find items along the way that relate to the “Heart of 603.” The event concludes with an awards ceremony and cel- ebration at Tenney Mountain Resort in Plymouth.
Registration is just $50 per team, with proceeds support- ing the non-profit work of the Chamber in advocating for, con- necting, and empowering entre- preneurs, business owners, and organizations in Central NH. There’s no limit on the number of members per team; however, all teams must include at least two adults, and the entire team
must fit in one vehicle and use that single vehicle throughout the event.
Coffee and baked goods will be provided at the start, bot- tled water will be provided for teams to take on the course and non-alcoholic beverages and snacks will be served at the fin- ish. Participants will have the opportunity to purchase lunch at the post-event celebration and there will be a cash bar for team members 21 and older.
First, second, and third-place teams will receive trophies, and all participants will receive tick- ets for a door prize raffle featur- ing prizes donated by CNHCC member businesses.
“We’re really excited to offer a fundraising event that’s com- pletely different from the usual galas, golf tournaments, and silent auctions,” noted Matty Leighton, CNHCC’s execu- tive director. “It’s accessible to people of all abilities, and most importantly, it’s so much fun! This competition is perfect for friends, families with children ages 10 and up or colleagues– just about anyone can do it and have a great time.”
Team registration is open at of-603-scavenger-hunt/. Sup- porting sponsorships are also available.
For information about spon- soring or competing in the Heart of 603 Scavenger Hunt or to learn about the Chamber, con- tact Matty Leighton, CNHCC
executive director, at (603) 969- 7271 or
About Central NH Chamber of Commerce
As a non-profit, non-gov- ernmental agency, the Central NH Chamber of Commerce advocates for, connects, and empowers entrepreneurs, busi-
ness owners, and organiza- tions within a 23-town region. Through strong community partnerships, programs, and events, the Chamber and its volunteer Board of Directors contributes to building a vibrant and innovative business commu- nity.
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