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Line Dancing at Tenney Mountain's Back Country Bar and Grill
PLYMOUTH – Line danc- ing is making a big comeback these days, providing exercise and health benefits to all who come out to join local instructor Charlene Dellascio as she leads everyone through the steps, such as “Stomp,” “Wiggle,” “Heel,” and a “Heel Split.”
While those words may seem strange to a newcomer, it only takes a few minutes to under- stand what she means before the music comes on and the fun begins.
Dellascio began line danc- ing 30 years ago in Tewksbury, Mass., but when she and her husband Don decided to make their cabin in Groton, New Hampshire, into their year- round home eight years ago, she wanted something to do with her time.
“I never thought I would be teaching (line dancing), but I saw a need for it here and de- cided to make a trip over to the senior center in Plymouth one day,” Charlene said.
After her visit, she was in- vited to return to teach a few simple steps. From that day forward, line dancing became a big hit, and it’s now a part of their weekly schedule.
Her self-proclaimed “addic- tion” to dancing has also found her at nursing homes and fund- raising events as she continues
her quest to show others how fun and easy it can be. She has also hosted line dancing events at popular local spots such as the former Big Daddy Joe’s in Plymouth and Kathleen’s Irish Pub in Bristol.
Her latest public line-danc- ing gatherings now take place at 6 pm. each Wednesday night on the vast dance floor inside the Back Country Bar and Grill at Tenney Mountain Resort in Plymouth, where she has not only seen a great turnout but a dedicated troop of regulars.
“They got nicknamed the ‘Tribe,’” she said, “and began wearing cowboy hats so if any- one ‘gets lost’ with the steps, they can follow along behind them if they want.”
Charlene does all she can to make sure everyone learns the steps to the next dance she’s scheduled for that night, though. Before turning the music up, she will run through the steps a few times with the crowd to make sure people are familiar with them.
Participants each week are both women and men from all age groups. Recently one cou- ple even brought their toddler along to dance in her mom’s arms. They come in every- thing from jeans to long skirts as well as cowboy boots and the “Tribe’s” distinct cowboy hats. Basically, whatever one is com-
Each Wednesday night many as 50 people have begun making their way to Back Country Bar and Grill at Tenney Mountain Resort in Plymouth for Line Dancing, camaraderie and great food and drinks.
and Lynn Kelly, love the com- munity aspect of events like line dancing and have big plans to add others to their calendar, such as music events, outdoor activities, and perhaps even a movie night or two inside the spacious lodge.
“Steve and Lynn are finding really good local people who really believe in this mountain, so they’re excited to add new things throughout the spring, summer, and fall months to give people a reason to keep coming back,” said Lufkin.
Whether you are a skier or someone looking for daytime activities, nighttime food, and drinks, or entertainment, you are encouraged to keep an eye on the Tenney Mountain Re- sort Facebook page or website for a list of upcoming events. But by all means, don’t forget their Wednesday night line dancing.
Alexandria resident Edna Piehler is one of “The Tribe” and summed up her experi- ences in dancing with Charlene at Tenney well.
“This is a great place to dance, and I love it that Char- lene is so enthusiastic about it,” she said. “If you want to learn about line dancing, this is the time, this is the place, and this is the teacher!”
fortable in is the dress code. One need not be a strictly country music fan, though. Besides the popular line danc- ing through songs like “Cupid Shuffle,” “Achy, Breaky Heart,” and “Boot Scootin’ Boogie,” Charlene likes to change things up throughout the evening. Other songs in her large playlist include pop, a bit of hip-hop, and maybe even a disco tune. Even the theme from the movie “Ghostbusters” is another fun 8-step tune that is popular with
her dancers.
One woman from Rumney
said when she heard about line dancing nights at Tenney; she found it to be not only a way to overcome her winter bore-
dom but an opportunity to have some indoor fun, whether it is the snow piling up outside or a rainy spring day. Others said the exercise factor, along with the chance to make new friends, was a major draw for them. Yet another added fea- ture one couple commented on is the chance to come early to enjoy dinner at the Back Coun- try Grill before the dancing be- gins.
Whatever their reasons for joining Charlene, one thing participants have in common is that they all leave with a smile.
Tenney Mountain Resort Marketing Manager Rich Lufkin said the owners, Steve
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