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Newfound Science Pub Explores Restoring Streams for Brook Trout BRIDGEWATER – Join
and land use. Both Brigid the Newfound Lake Re-
and Amy are involved in gion Association (NLRA)
long-term monitoring of at the Newfound Lake Inn
brook trout and associated on Wednesday, May 15th
habitat in the Beebe River at 5:30 pm for Newfound
following restoration work Science Pub, an engag-
ing way to connect with
The NLRA’s mission experts in science and
is to protect Newfound conservation - over food
Lake and its watershed. and drinks. Drs. Brigid
The Association – through O’Donnell and Amy Villa-
education, programs and magna, professors at PSU,
collaboration – promotes and audience members
conservation and preser- is required. Register by visiting
will share their perspectives on
vation of the region’s natural, or
stream restoration, connect to
social, and economic resources. calling 603-744-8689.
Brigid & Amy’s work monitoring
With the vision of a cleaner, Dr. Brigid O’Donnell is a de-
brook trout after habitat resto-
clearer Newfound Lake, NLRA velopmental biologist in PSU’s
ration, and explore the connec-
is working to improve environ- Biological Sciences department.
tion between healthy brook trout
mental health, expand land She focuses on freshwater spe-
populations and a healthy wa-
conservation, increase commu- cies, including mayflies, fish,
tershed. Discuss current issues,
nity support, and grow water- and crustaceans. Dr. Amy Vil-
ask your burning questions, and
shed stewardship. Learn about lamagna is a professor in PSU’s
share your own perspective in a
employment, volunteer oppor- Environmental Science & Policy
casual, social atmosphere. This
tunities, and more ways to get department. In her research,
event is free; attendees purchase
involved at she investigates how ecosystems
food and drinks. Registration
respond to changes in climate
Community TD Bank Partners with Responders Together
Responders Together is a citizens of New Hampshire’s communities.
nonprofit organization staffed
TD Bank has an “Affinity by volunteers to bring peer-fa-
Program,” partnering with Re- cilitated Wellness and Support
sponders Together that makes to veterans, active duty person-
possible a growing awareness nel, and all who are called “first
of that non-profit organization’s responders (police, firefighters,
charitable work AND helps EMS personnel, etc.), whose
to raise funds for Responder’s stressful occupations lead to an
Together health restorative ac- increased risk and occurrence of
tivities. You can take part in PTSD, substance misuse, suicide,
supporting these activities at no and depression. Responders To-
cost to you by becoming a part gether New Hampshire provides
of TD Bank’s Affinity program. peer-facilitated mindful and
To learn how
physical activities to reduce the
stress and anxiety associated with
Contact Barbara.Rosendahl@ the work these people undertake or call the bank at as they protect and care for the
Keith Converse, Owner.
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In loving Memory of Robert Alvey, Jr.
May 25, 1979 - March 1, 2021
We think about you every day. We talk about you still. You have never been forgotten and you never will.
We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain to walk and guide us through our lives until we meet again
Happy Heavenly 45th Birthday Robbie
Love, Mom, Dad, Patrick, Christin, Stella and Max