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Feburary 2023 GRANITELIFE.ONLINE Page 11 The Circle Program - Changing Lives For Over Thirty Years!
By laura Brusseau
In 1993, many young girls from out of state came to New- found Lake to enjoy the fresh air, form new friendships, learn new skills and lessons, and form memories that would last a life- time!
A group of passionate Onaway summer camp trustee members wanted to offer this opportunity to girls that lived in the area that may not have had the financial means to pay for such an experience-thus the idea for the Circle Program was born!
Today, thirty years later, this idea has now transformed not only into a camp experience but a mentor program that has changed the paths of many young teens and their mentors!
The Circle Program serves girls and teens ages 9-18! This experience includes meeting with a mentor monthly and up to three weeks of summer camp, depending on age. The camp is located on the beautiful Specta- cle Pond in Groton, NH.
The relationship with the mentors builds over time. Men- tors meet monthly with their Circle Participant to hang out, talk, experience events such as art museums, ice skating, go bowling, volunteer together, go hiking, do arts and crafts, go swimming, and the list goes on and on! Not only does it pro- vide this fantastic opportunity to form a special bond with an adult, but it also provides oppor- tunities to experience new skills and visit new places that they may not have had the ability to do on their own.
Today the program has over sixty girls from twenty-eight
towns! The towns served stretch from Concord to Waterville Valley! Unfortunately, over the Covid pandemic, numbers dropped a bit, and the program is ready to build it back up! If you know of a socially or finan- cially disadvantaged girl, please call the Circle Office to find out how you can make a referral to this life-changing program. Most referrals come from the local school district teachers and guidance counselors. The pro- gram is free to participants and funded through generous com- munity donations, fundraisers, and grants!
According to Mentoring.Org:
Students who meet regularly with their mentors are 52% less likely than their peers to skip a day of school.
Young adults who face an op- portunity gap but have a mentor are 55% more likely to be en- rolled in college than those who did not have a mentor.
Youth who meet regularly with their mentors are 8!% more likely to participate in sports or extracurricular activities than those who do not have a mentor
Not only does the program transform the lives of the youth, but it can also transform the mentors as well!
The Circle Program is cur- rently looking for 25-30 new mentors! The commitment would be a two-year term start- ing in late August. Mentors un- dergo a background check and partake in mental health and trauma-informed training.
Another way to support the program is to participate in one of its upcoming fundraisers!
During Bike Week in June, they will benefit from a Mo- torcycle Poker Run ride! The
second week of July, they are working with local busi- nesses in the area to do a Circle Program Week of Giving Back, where partic- ipating businesses offer a Circle program special at their business, with a per- centage of the proceeds going toward the program! The biggest event of their year is the 30th-anniversary gala on Thursday evening, August 31st, at the Bull Meadow Barn in Concord. More information about these wonderful ways to help will be coming out soon!
The program thrives be-
cause of the generous hearts of the local community, the board that oversees the pro- gram, and the dedicated staff.
For more information, to refer to an individual, to be- come a mentor, or to learn more, visit www.circlepro- Find them on face- book-Circle Program NH. You can also reach them at 603.536.4244.
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