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 July 2022
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   802 Lake Street, Bristol, New Hampshire 03222
   ball, Student Athletic Leadership Team, National Honor Society, TTCC Teen Council, ETS, Rag- ged Mountain, TTCC Camp Counselor, Band, Jazz Band
Educator who most inspired you and why: Michael LaPlume. Coach LaPlume has been my coach since my freshman year in cross country, coaching me all four years, and then the last two years in track. Coach has al- ways pushed me to goals I never knew I could achieve in running. While doing so, he has also man- aged to keep me in check, men- tally and pyschologically, because he truly has cared for me outside of running too.
Quote or piece of advice you would share: “Success isn’t how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.” -- Steve Prefontaine
Name: Molly Lu McKellar
Groton, NH
College/Plans after High School: Keene State
Track & Field
Educator who most inspired
you and why: Katie Kobylenski. I knew I had a lot of big dreams, but I never thought that I could actually fulfill them. I guess I needed someone to believe a lit- tle bit in me before I believe in myself and that person turned out to be Mrs. K. Not only did I find a fantastic English teacher, but also someone who showed me that anything is possible with a little work.
Quote or piece of advice you would share: “Dreamers are dreamers for a reason; at some point you have to pull the trig- ger.” -- John Lellos
   We’ll Lead You Home
 366 Lake Street, Bristol, NH • 603-744-3004
Major: English
Intended Career:
Activities: Soccer,Basketball,
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