Page 11 - SEPT2023
P. 11
September 2023
Page 11
your property or potentially to others?
If you plan to leave your boat in the water, check you anchor, chain and mooring line and re- place them now if needed. It’s a bit counterintuitive but the risk is as great if not greater in the fall than most realize.
While Insurance my cover your losses and provide you the financial resources to rebuild from any damage, it is far better to take simple steps to protect yourself so you don’t incur dam- age. You will avoid the arduous experience of filing a claim, dealing with and adjuster who is likely already overwhelmed and the associated delays from am in- surance company whose claims department is buried in paper.
Avoid the hassle and take reasonable steps now to protect yourself. You will be glad you did.
By Jim King newfounD insuRance
It’s that time of year – again.
For many families with young children, that means preparation for school, buying clothes and all the associated things that come with the start of a new school year. For those with older chil- dren the rhythm of the season is the same but the magnitude of the task is that much greater. One of our staff is off on a sojourn to Ohio to drop off her daughter at school. A ten-hour drive and a flight back make this a multi- day event. Another friend is scrambling to get the last details in place to drop his daughter off at college in NY. The upending of summer routines and ensuing
chaos is a common experience for many.
While the transition from August to September and the change of the seasons means the restart of the school year for many, it also carries with it a reminder to review insurance coverages in preparation for d “Hurricane season”. The formal start of the Hurricane Season is actually June. We here in New England, see the greatest risk, in September and October as storms coming out of the Ca- ribbean follow the flow of the Gulf Stream, get energized by the warm waters and frequently slam into New England with an intense fury.
As we face the onset of Hur- ricane season, we also have to take into account the increasing severity of storms in general. We only have to look at the floods in Vermont earlier this summer or the recent flooding from torren-
tial rains from the tropical storm in Southern California to see the increasing severity of weather systems. Regardless of the cause, it is real.
Damage from Hurricanes with 100 MPH winds can be unavoidable but there are things you can do to mitigate the po- tential damage in the event of a forecasted storm.
For All
When a Hurricane is fore- casted, recognize that it can change direction and intensity in virtually a moment’s notice. Be alert and stay informed. If a Hurricane or perhaps just the high winds that accompany a Hurricane are forecasted for the local area, take steps to mitigate damage and reduce your risk of loss. Store any loose items safely away in the basement or in a shed or garage. Tie down and secure any loose items that could
be picked up by a strong wind. If you can, protect windows from damage by covering them with shutters or plywood that can be secured over the window. Far better to take the precaution in advance than to have to cover the window with plywood by ne- cessity because of damage from flying debris. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
For those on the waterfront:
Consider the reality of having to drop everything mid-week to get to the lake to prepare for a Hurricane. Can you manage a trip to Bristol on a Wednesday morning in the middle of a busy week all while attending to storm preparations for your primary residence?
What about all the toys you left out with plans to use them during the warm days of Sep- tember? Do they pose a risk to
Your Insurance Guy
NH Veterans Home Craft Fair Vendor Registration Open
TILTON – The New Hamp- shire Veterans Home (NHVH) is open to vendor registrations for their 6th annual craft fair to be held Saturday, September 30th at the Home on 139 Winter Street in Tilton, NH. This outdoor fes- tival features free admission and will take place in and around the Home’s pavilion from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The annual event has featured many talented artisans offering a wide variety of items including: handmade gifts; seasonal dec- orations; personalized items; gift baskets; furnishings; scenic (Lakes Region/New England)
Summer is moving along and the season for planting fall bulbs is near. Pasquaney Garden Club is selling bulbs for spring bloom- ing through an end-of-summer fundraiser. Details of how to order and receive home delivery are presented below.
To participate in the
pieces; baskets; woodworking; handmade jewelry; photography; pottery; ceramics; art; crochet, knit and sewn items; salsa, jelly, sauces, syrup, and relish; soaps, bath balms and lip balm; and more. Two food trucks, Drag-on Pizza and Marah’s Baking Com- pany, in addition to New Hamp- shire Veterans Home options of grilled cheese and homemade soups, will be available to satisfy visitors’ appetites.
The NHVH also welcomes donations of gift cards from busi- nesses and organizations from throughout our state. In recent years, over 100 gift baskets have
A variety of artisans will participate in the New Hampshire Veterans Home’s September 30th event. Vendor registration fees and raffle proceeds benefit our state’s veterans.
been raffled at the event, each containing gift card(s) to local businesses.
To reserve a vendor space; donate gift cards, gift baskets, or concession items; or volunteer
for the event, email volunteer@ or call NHVH volunteer coordinators Patty Copeland at (603) 527-4449 or Heather Sparano at (603) 527- 4837. Vendors who complete registrations and donors who contribute by September 8th will be included in the event booklet.
All proceeds from vendor reg- istrations and raffle ticket sales benefit the NHVH Resident Benefit Fund, providing contin- ued programming to maintain maximized quality of life for our state’s veterans.
The NHVH is home to men and women veterans who have
served their country and fellow New Hampshire citizens. NHVH was established in Tilton in 1890 as the Soldier’s Home for Civil War Veterans and serves its mis- sion to provide high quality, pro- fessional long-term care services to the Granite State’s elderly and disabled veterans with dignity, honor and respect. NHVH is the State’s only long-term care facility dedicated exclusively to veterans. For more information, call (603) 527-4400 or visit www., www.facebook. com/nhveteranshome.
neighbors and fellow gardeners will support our Bulb Sale Fund- raiser and enjoy adding seasonal flowers to plant this fall for early blooming next spring. Pasquaney Garden Club is a 501(c)3 not- for-profit organization.
Pasquaney Garden Club
Planning for the Future with Color
Pasquaney Garden Club Fund- raiser – shop at – threerivers- and enter code 002B8C.
Funds raised by the club pri- marily go toward the mainte- nance of the Butterfly Garden behind Minot Sleeper Library. Members do the majority of
planting, weeding and care themselves, but some chores such as the cutting of knot weed along the river bank be- hind the garden, placing wood chips along the garden path and loads of mulch for the plant areas requires contract- ing for the time, materials and
abilities of professionals.
The club wants to express their appreciation to local con- tractors including Bliss Yard Maintenance, Morrison Con- struction Company and All Points Yard Maintenance for
their services during the season. We hope our community