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August 2024
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We are familiar with many of the signs that beckon us to such well-known fuels as Mobil, Esso, Shell, etc., but the collection includes less well-known com- panies that service customers far from New England. Three eye-catching signs of the many to be seen represent Marathon, Rebel, and Mustang fuels. The Marathon sign features a runner in motion, clad only in a loin cloth. Below the runner, a clever logo promises the patron that its product is “Best in the Long Run.” The Marathon runner was a prevalent gas station ad in the midwest until Pheidippides made his last run in 1962. The Rebel sign features a vivid Con- federate flag, which, in its day, probably appealed to the South- ern driver (its stations were lim- ited to Alabama), allured with secessionist mythology. Its de- sign is vivid but is appropriately on view only in museums, like Bristol’s Petroliana. The Mus- tang Gas Company (another Southern retailer) is represented
by a wild horse in motion, an obvious appeal to the sense of freedom experienced on the open road. That same seductive message was used by Mobil years earlier in that company’s flying horse (Pegasus) sign. Two ex- amples of this huge 96” “cookie cutter” sign are on view at Bris- tol’s Petroliana.
In addition to pumps and signs, Russ Hertrich’s Petroli- ana houses a wide variety of memorabilia from bygone days, everything from ashtrays to au- tomobiles. The Bristol Museum’s artifacts are both a portent and a promise. As portents, they repre- sent the coming disappearance of what was once the lifeblood of American culture. However, their relegation to collections suggests a promise as well: that we are moving towards energies that will have a more benign im- pact on our planet.
Currently, visits to this won- derful museum are limited to Russ Hertrich’s availabil- ity. However, occasional open houses will be held (such as the one on July 19). The dates will be posted on Facebook.
NLRA Annual
Meeting and
Gathering –
Protecting the
Watershed as
a Community
HEBRON—The New- found Lake Region Association (NLRA)’s Annual Meeting and Membership Gathering will be held August 10th at Grey Rocks Conservation Area from 9 to 10:30am. As NLRA ex- pands monitoring efforts and community involvement in protecting the lake, the annual meeting offers a time for those who love Newfound Lake to learn about the last year’s prog- ress, celebrate the health of the watershed, and look toward the future.
Agenda highlights include the election of 2024–2025 board officers, the Executive
Director’s report, and an up- date from the Treasurer. At- tendees will also hear about new programs to assess conditions in the lake, shore-side work to combat stormwater, and prog- ress in planning a Conservation Center at Grey Rocks. “Over the last year, NLRA has seen a growing staff, volunteer net-
work, and base of supporters,” said NLRA Executive Direc- tor Rebecca Hanson. “With that increased human capacity, we’ve been able to expand our mission-led work to protect the lake and watershed, giving back to the community that supports us.”
Another highlight of the meeting is the Founder’s Award.
This is presented annually to an individual or group that has provided significant active service as a member or volun- teer, given a significant finan- cial or in-kind contribution to the conservation of Newfound, or, an individual or group that, through leadership and scien- tific discovery, has contributed to a better understanding of the importance of the Lake and
its watershed.
This event is open to the
public, but only current NLRA members are eligible to vote for the 2024-2025 board officers. To read the full agenda, review the slate of officers, and RSVP, please visit www.newfoundlake. org/annual-meeting.
With the support of its members, the Newfound Lake Region Association works year- round to conserve and pro- tect the Newfound Watershed through initiatives including water quality monitoring, land conservation, invasive species watch, educational program- ming, and public events. You can join at www.newfoundlake.
Come for the beer, stay for the food!
SUMMER HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 4pm - 9pm • Fri, Sat: & Sun: 11:30am - 9pm
#5 Route 25, Plymouth, NH • (603) 238-9545 •