Page 12 - JUNE2023
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The first meeting of the season was held on Tuesday, April 18th at the Minot Sleeper Library. New board members Barbara Carpenter, President and Kitty Koch, Vice President have joined other board mem- bers in planning upcoming pro- grams and organizing planting projects for the spring season. Others serving on the board this year include Secretary Elizabeth Sanders, Treasurer and Com- munications Louise Migliore, Publicity Nancy Marchand, Photographer Margaret Green, Sunshine Judy Kraemer and Sandy Fisk, and Bristol Town Liaison Shirley York.
New Board Kicks Off Busy Season for Pasquaney Garden Club
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The April program was a presentation by Mirka Zapletal, who fascinated meeting attend- ees with a program about Mon- arch Butterfly varieties, their migration patterns, life cycles and their required sources of nourishment and habitat. Ms Zapletal is the Manager of Edu- cation & Outreach for the New- found Lake Region Association.
Upcoming events include the regular club meeting on Tues- day, May 18th, from 10-12 at Minot Sleeper Library and gar- den work times at the Butter- fly Garden behind the Library from 9-11 on Tuesday, May 2nd and Wednesday May 24th.
The first gardening day will be a spring cleanup for the Butterfly Garden and on May 24th mem- bers and volunteers will pot up transplants from the garden for the Annual Plant Sale.
The primary focus of the May 18th meeting will be Town Plantings. Volunteers will sign up to help with some of the barrels and gardens that need panting, care and watering for the summer. Plants and soil are provided by Pasquaney Garden Club for the locations spon- sored by the club. Volunteers will carry out planting projects during the week of May 22nd. Anyone interested in this project
should attend the meeting to ob- tain more information and sign up. All are welcome! [Some of the downtown plantings are maintained by the Bristol Beau- tification Committee].
The Annual Plant Sale will take place on Saturday, June 3rd from 8 a.m. to noon in the park- ing lot behind Minot Sleeper Li- brary. Plants are provided from member gardens, donated from gardens of other community neighbors and from the But- terfly Garden. Neighbors and friends are encouraged to do- nate transplants from their gar- dens as well as to come purchase favorites from the large selection
of hardy locally grown perenni- als. Limited quantities of an- nuals, herbs and vegetables are also included. Those looking for plants to buy are encouraged to attend early while the greatest variety is available.
Pasquaney Garden Club has been an enjoyment for local communities for over 50 years. Activities are planned to include all ages and an array of inter- ests and subjects for programs. New members and guests are always welcome. For informa- tion contact carpenb3@gmail. com. Pasquaney Garden Club is a 501(c)3 not for profit orga- nization.
Thank You!
Thank you to all the ladies (and two gentlemen) who at- tended the IMAGINE Spring Fashion Show on Sunday, May 7th, 2023.
The show was donation only for the “Day Away Program” which supports our neighbors with alzheimers and their care- takers. Over $625 was given to- ward the program.
Thank you also to our fabu- lous models: Linda Carmichael from the Mill Fudge Factory; Raymah Simpson - our Bristol Town Clerk; Dawna Shackley from Newfound Impressions Printing; and our own Kate Spears.
Thank you to Lyn Musheno representing the program. She provided the advertising posters, help set up the town hall, pro- vided some refreshments and raf- fle prizes. Your help was greatly appreciated.
A good time was had by all for a great cause.
Hope to see you at our fall fashion show - date to be an- nounced.
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