Page 4 - Llano Happenings March 2018
P. 4

From the Orchard Office:

                                              I am planning to retire after this
     Hi Everyone!!!
     Welcome to Magnificent March!!           season. It is a bittersweet decision I
     The last official month of the           assure you. There isn’t much I love
     “season”! It has been a wonderful        more than Llano Grande and being
     season and we hope all of you            the Manager, but there is one thing
     have had a great time! The park          and that’s Hank and the retirement
     has never been more packed and I         we have planned. I can’t tell you
     think the fun meter has also been        what a privilege and an honor it has
     “revved” like never before!              been to be associated with Llano
     Lots of new folks have come to the       Grande and the Hynes Group for all
     park this year and have decided to       these years! Thank you all and           Hello, my name is Jodi Campbell.
     make Llano Grande their new              hopefully Hank and I will make our       I’m looking forward to being the
     winter home! We accredit that to all     way back here as “Happy                  Activity Director for Llano Grande
     the beautiful facilities, tons of fun    Campers” one day and can take            Resort. My husband, Mike and I are
     and all the wonderful residents here     part in all the fun that goes on.        native Missourians. But soon will be
     that make everyone feel welcome!         Wherever you are headed at the           residents of Texas, calling Llano
     You are a great group and we are         end of the season, please travel         Grande Resort, home. We have two
     so proud to have you all here!!          safe and have fun! We look forward       daughters, two son-in-laws and four
     Don’t forget, when preparing to          to having you back here next fall        grandchildren.
     leave the park this year, stop in the    and we will do this all over again.
     RV Office in the Orchard House           Thanks again for choosing to spend       I am excited to begin this new
     and pick up a Departure Card to fill     the winter with us here at Llano         chapter in my life. Already, so many
     out and leave with us. This              Grande.                                  have shown their support, thank you
     information is invaluable if we need                                              that means a lot. I look forward to
     to reach you for some reason this         Linda VanRyn                            meeting you, if I haven’t done so
     summer.  You can, and many                                                        already. We, in the activity office,
     people do, leave a key to your                                                    are busy planning our next
     home with us as well in the event                                                 2018/2019 season. If you are a
     you need us to go in your home for       From the Current & New                   coordinator, president or committee
                                                                                       chairperson, for the upcoming
     some reason while you are away.          Activity Directors:                      season, I’d like to set up a time to
     Help us help you and stop in to give                                              visit with you about your activity, set
     us your summer info.                                                              dates, times, etc.
     Safety Reminder: Please take an          Hello My Llano Friends
     extra minute to look both ways           Well the season is passing very fast     We at Llano Grande Resort are
     when pulling out of the park at the      and I have had a great time with         blessed to have so many talented
     North Gate. We have had a couple         you all.  As many of you know, I am      people who are willing to share their
     of “near” accidents and we certainly     retiring at the end of the season.       talent/service with us, we as a team
     don’t want anyone getting hurt.          You now have a new Activity              make Llano Grande the great place
     Traffic on Mile 2 is always traveling    Director, Jodi Campbell.  I am           it is, your kindness is appreciated.
     fast, and you cannot assume              leaving you in good hands. Thank         I wish Linda Anklam, the very best,
     oncoming traffic is going to turn in     you and enjoy your life at Llano.        in retirement. You have done an
     at the North Gate. Just take an                                                   excellent job and now as you begin
     extra second or two and make sure      Linda Anklam                               the next chapter in your life, peace
     it is safe to pull out!!                                                          and happiness to you.  It has been a
                                                                                       pleasure working side by side with
                                                                                       Activity Director
                                                                                       Jodi Campbell
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