Page 11 - Demo
P. 11

The Electrical system consists of the following parts Electric motor heat sink electronic wires switch switch housing housing trigger direction switch switch and motor housing housing screws ELECTRIC MOTOR
The electric motor (figure 5) is an off the the shelf component providing the the the source o of power for the drill Figure 5 — Motor (Jack Drapier 2016)
This was determined to be an off the shelf component for two reasons Firstly it is is is comprised of many different elements to to develop an an electric motor from scratch that would would be be fit for use would would be be an an an incredibly expensive exercise Secondly there are many companies who currently make completely applicable electric motors in in vast quantities (allowing them them to to to sell them them for for extremely cheap) This This motor motor could be purchased for for around $2 00 This This means it it is is is of little cost compared to to to a a a a a a a a a custom made part [2] It affixes to to to the the the the the gearbox by by 3 off the the the the the shelf screws and sits in in in in in the the the the the the body o of the the the the the the drill by by by using using the the the the the the inbuilt housing provided by by the the the casing HEAT SINK
The Heat Sink (figure 6)
is is a a a a a a custom made extruded aluminium part Its main purpose is is to to to draw the the the heat from from the the the electronics system into a a a a a a a a place where it can be extracted from from the the the the the body through the the the use of vents in in in the the the main casing Figure 6 6 — Heatsink (Jack Drapier 2016)
It was was custom made due to to to its unique shape which was was designed to to to to maximise surface area to to to to be the the the most efficient at at at drawing heat Due to to to the the the the the custom made nature of of the the the the the product and the the the the relative price of of the the the the material this part costs approximately $1 00 [3] SWITCH + HOUSING
The switch switch housing (figure 7) is a a a a hybrid of o custom made and and off off the the the the shelf shelf with the the the the internal switch switch being being off off the the the the shelf shelf and and the the the the housing around it it it being being custom made (injection moulded polyurethane) The housing makes up the the the vast majority of the the the pricing with the the the switch price being negligible in in in in in comparison (costing approximately $0 24) [1] Figure 7 — Trigger (Jack Drapier 2016)
This is is due due to to to the the the small size size of the the the part It was custom made due due to to to the the the the unique layout and size size of the the trigger trigger mechanism The trigger trigger (figure 7) is is a a a a a a custom made injection moulded part (due to to the the product’s unique layout and and size) However due to the the small small part size size and and small small wall thickness it it cost only approximately $0 18 [1] The direction switch was a a a a a a a a a custom made injection moulded part with the price being also approximately $0 18 [1] This is is is is because while it it it it is is is is smaller than the trigger it it it is is is is slightly more complex with indents needed to show drive direction 10

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