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For Cut Resistance New Testing Standard
ANSI/ISEA 105 (2016 edition)
The new edition of the ANSI/ISEA 105 Standard (2016 ed.) also
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has released a new outlines a new test method for determining the new cut scores.
edition of the ANSI/ISEA 105 standard (2016 ed.). The changes include The new ASTM F2992-15 test method allows for only one type
new classification levels, which includes a new scale to determine cut of machine to be used, the TDM-100. Under the previous ANSI
score (commonly referred to as the ANSI cut score), and a revised standard, the old test method ASTM F1790-05, the testing could
method for testing gloves to the standard. be performed on either the TDM-100 machine or the CPPT
machine. By ensuring uniform testing with one machine, it is
easier to compare gram scores for a given material.
New Scale to Determine Cut Scores
The new ANSI standard now features nine cut levels 1
significantly reducing the gaps between each level and
better defining protection levels for the cut resistant Shield Icon
gloves and sleeves with the highest gram scores.
The graph below shows the differences between the
old scale and the new scale. New ANSI cut scores will 1 CPPT MACHINE
feature an "A" in front of the score.
Shield Icon
6500g TDM-100 MACHINE
NEW 6000
6000g 5999
5500g Understanding ASTM F2992-15
5000g 4999 5000
Test Methods
4000g 3999 4000 The sample is cut by a straight-edge blade, under load, that
3499 3500 moves along a straight path. The sample is cut five times each at
3000g 2999 3000 three different loads with a new blade for each cut and the data
is used to determine
2500g 2200 the required load
2000g to cut through the
1500g 2199 2199 1500 1500 sample at a specified
reference difference.
1000g 999 999 1000 1000 This is referred to BLADE
500g 499 499 500 500 as the cutting force, Travel
200 200
0g which is then equated Material
to a cut level.
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9