Page 102 - Improve_Your_Written_English [Marion_Field]
P. 102


        Creating similes
        The last two examples were similes. These are comparisons
        between two things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’, Many
        clichés are similes and they are often very vivid. However,
        they are not original and you should avoid them. It is much
        better to create your own ‘images’ so that your reader will be
        struck by the originality of your writing. If you want to
        create a simile using a colour, try to think of something
        unusual which is that colour. The face of someone who is
        seasick might be said to be ‘as green as grass’ but ‘as green as
        the mould at the bottom of an unwashed milk bottle’ is far
        more original if not very pleasant.

        ‘My legs felt like jelly’ is not original although it is apt. The
        following suggests the same feeling but is more vivid because
        it is original:

            My legs felt like spaghetti that had just been dipped into
            boiling water.

        Producing metaphors
        Metaphors are also comparisons but they are ‘implied’ and
        do not use ‘like’ or ‘as’. We use metaphorical language a
        great deal in everyday speech. It is language that is not
        literally true but cannot be classified as a lie as everyone
        knows what is meant. Look at the following examples:

            I’m starving.

            He says he’s freezing.

            She’s dying of thirst.
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