Page 19 - Organico Realfoods Carbon Report
P. 19

An Organico Forest: ½ A MILL I O N T R E    E    S B          Y       2   0     2    5
        MILLION TREES BY 2025

 Tropical      Biodiverse      Socially-inclusive       Poverty alleviation

 Local/community engagement      Credible/stable   STEP 3: Support

             Positive Action

              Camp Contour Lines – Guatemala

             To tackle soil degradation, we’ve partnered with Ecosystem Restoration Camps,
             who help restoration projects worldwide with expertise and volunteer labour.
             Inspired by John D Liu their vision is to restore heavily degraded land using
 STEP 2: Offset/Defend   regenerative and ecological agricultural principles.

 Nature Systems

 - The planet needs as   - Our Pledge: every year   - From the research of
 much reforestation,   we will pay as much as it   various tree charity sites
 forest protection and tree   would cost us to be certified  we extracted a carbon
 growing as possible.   on a verified carbon removal   drawdown value of 246kg
 scheme directly into Eden  for the 20 year lifetime of
 - The next 20-30 years   Reforestation, our chosen tree   each tree planted.
 are critical to  reach   charity. Certification adds big
 drawdown to accompany   intermediary costs - up to   - Our 2020 offset   Environmental Justice Foundation
 the slowly de carbonising   50x’s more!  We want all our   investment of 100,000
 transition.   money to go on trees, not   trees equals 24x’s our   We’re supporting the EJF work on climate refugees which highlights the impact
 clipboards and spreadsheets,   1000 ton footprint which   climate change has on the planet’s most vulnerable people.  EJF work tirelessly on
 - Tree planting charities   or intermediaries.    gives ample cover for   the link between social and ecological deprivation and do excellent work in the
 are using an average tree   mis-calculations.  world of fisheries/oceans.
 life of 20 years.

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