Page 14 - Organico Realfoods Carbon Report
P. 14


           DOING THE MATHS

                                                                                                                                                                             Raw materials
                                                                                                                                                                              extraction    Materials
                                                                                                                                                      Functional Unit                                  Processing
           We’re accounting by Fiscal or Financial
           Year which for us runs from October to                                                                                                                                                                Inputs to
           September. Our first carbon accounting         ORGANISATION FOOTPRINT                                                            Meal                                                                 Farming
           year then is for the year up to September                                                                                                                      Waste System
                                                          Scope               Activity             Tonnes CO2e                                                                            Recycling
           We used Carbon Footprint Ltd to assess both our                                                                                                                   Landfill
           organisation AND product footprint. Organisation
           footprint follows guidance by the Greenhouse Gas   Scope 2  Electricity consumption (Scope 2 and   4.52                      Preparation         Waste                                  Waste          Farming
           Protocol using 2020 emission factors developed
           by DEFRA and BEIS for reporting emissions. This   Scope 2 sub total                          4.52                                                        Environment    Recovery
           assessment encompassed our office electricity
           consumption (Scope 2) and all business travel   Scope 3  Flights                             0.90
           (Scope 3).  For our product footprint a tool based
           on proxy calculations was used based on ISO            Employee-owned car travel (grey fleet)  0.53                                                                Organico
           14067-2018 and the GHG Protocol guidelines.
           Our organisation footprint                             Rail travel                           0.1                                                                                               Manufacturing
           was offset by a VCS certified                  Scope 3 sub total                             1.44
           UK tree planting project.
                                                          Total location-based emissions                5.96                                                   Retail               Distribution

              THE SCIENCE BIT:

              Scope 1, 2 and 3 are the official carbon accounting headers defined by the GHC protocol
              to categorise different emissions.
                                                                                                                                  FROM CRADLE                                                Carbon Breakdown by Activity

              Scope 1 covers industrial process emissions, company vehicles and fugitive emissions
              like leakage from refrigeration. Scope 2 emissions cover purchased electricity. Scope 3                             TO GATE
              is basically everything else.                                                                                                                                                            Transport
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to us 10%
                                                                                                                                  We’re accounting for all our products                                & to
              An organisation footprint includes travel to and for work from Scope 3.  For any trading                            inclusive of the farming of the ingredients                          Customer
              company  the largest CO2 emissions come from the product manufacture and in food                                    and the production, packaging and transport
              it’s FALU component and, further downstream, the preparation and disposal footprint.                                of our products to the shop. Retail, consumer
                                                                                                                                  and waste emissions – “cradle to grave” are                   Packaging          Food
                                                            SCOPE 1                                                               NOT included in our assessment. We take                       27%                61%
                                               SCOPE 2       DIRECT                                                               responsibility upstream and down to the
                                                                                                                                  point at which we sell the product.

                                                                                   Transportation &
                                                          Company Facilities
                                                                                      SCOPE 3
               Purchased goods                 Leased
               & Services                      Assets                                 INDIRECT                                    CARBON BREAKDOWN BY BRAND
                                                                            Processing of
              Capital goods                                                 sold products              Investments
                                        Commuting                            Use of sold
              Fuel & Energy                                                   products                Franchises
              related  activities      Business Travel
                                                                                                   Leased Assets
                 Transportation &
                 Distribution                            Company Vehicles                                                                        401.42                           319.25                  207.54          5.96
                                                   Business                                   End-of-life treatment of
                  Waste generated                  Travel                                     sold porducts
                  in operations

                                                                                                                                      Organico UK                Fish4Eever UK                Fish4Ever NL                Organisation/Office
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