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Why it is not only important which tuna you eat - but also how it
is caught. For example, by pole and line. A local visit to the fishers
of the Azores.
By Lars Langenau
16. September 2022 - 10 Min. Read
Not all tuna is the same, and that is why there are these very conscientious people
who want to know exactly where the fish on their table actually comes from. But
that’s where the problem already starts. Ursula Wagner calls these people “hardcore
organic” - the very strict and convinced organic consumers. “They really know what
they are talking about. The processing of the product is important to them right from
the start”, says the Swabian.
At home in Dettenhausen near Tübingen, she runs a small health food shop, a family
business called “Vitamin b”, which her customers have voted “Germany’s best small
organic shop”. That is probably why the organic farming association Naturland
invited the 51-year-old to the Azores, a remote group of Portuguese islands, where
Wagner visited the processing of one of the products she sells at “Vitamin b”: Canned
and jarred Atlantic tuna. Many including, of course, organic olive oil.