Page 40 - Languages Victoria December 2019
P. 40

 Languages Victoria
participate by sharing words with the whole class and teachers in their own language, accompanied by a gesture – no English translation required! The more that the wide variety of languages spoken in the class was emphasised, the more students wanted to share or learn new words. One student showed us that when this kind of open attitude is fostered in the classroom, curiosity in language grows, stating “maybe we could have some chances to learn other languages, not just the popular ones!”
Year 7 students were asked why it’s important to learn languages. Although there were some expected responses related to travel, workshop participants noted that the diverse student cohort at Mt Ridley College were able to articulate the value of intercultural communication. Some students said it was important to find a way to communicate with those who don’t speak our own language.
The following delegate feedback from the day reinforces the success of the workshop:
• It was great to practise with students!
• I enjoyed the hands-on aspect, working with children to practise ideas and
share strategies;
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De􏰅ega􏰍e Feedbac􏰎
 Page 40   Volume 23 Number 2

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