Page 39 - Languages Victoria December 2019
P. 39

 Languages Victoria
other. Linton’s workshop style is to get teachers involved in the learning and create hands-on experiences in a variety of creative ways.
The opportunity to try out the new activities with students was a highlight of the day. Getting the students talking, in the Language they are learning at school, as well as any other language they speak at home, was key. It was incredibly inspiring to witness how Linton creates a safe, fun and engaging environment in which students feel confident to contribute and then for the teachers at the workshop to replicate some of this learning in a classroom setting.
When asked what they enjoyed the most about the learning activities, Years 3/4 students shared positive feedback:
• There was a game like hot potato called bomba that was really fun.
• I really like to learn about different countries and how to say them.
• I enjoyed teaching our teachers how to say the numbers in our language.
Students in Years 3/4 demonstrated that they feel safe and supported when their home language is valued by teachers. All students were eager to
Volume 23 Number 1   Page 39
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