Page 6 - Languages Victoria December 2019
P. 6

 Languages Victoria
Advocacy for quality languages programs has continued this year. Work is continuing on the scoping of a website revamp with plans to commence work on the new website in 2020.
For the VCAA
This year, the MLTAV was represented on the reference group for the VCAA Review of VCE First Languages and participated in the Consultation process for the Review of VCE CCAFL languages. MLTAV also attended meetings to discuss examination specifications for the newly accredited VCE Victorian Second Languages. Two committee members also represented the Association in a full day workshop to work on the Intercultural Capability relating to F-10 curriculum.
For the Council of Australian Governments Education Council (COAG)
MLTAV provided a written response to the Review of the Melbourne Declaration. The response reflected member comments collected by online survey to the key review questions provided by COAG.
As previously noted, the MLTAV attends regular Presidents’ Meetings and the AFMLTA Annual Assembly. The association was this year represented at the AFMLTA biennial conference in Hobart by both the President and President Elect.
Other representation
The MLTAV is currently on the TESOL/Languages Advisory Board for Deakin University, Faculty of Arts and Education, School of Education, the University of Melbourne Language Testing Research Centre and is an active member of the CPTAV.
The Association further participated in other meetings/events. Highlights include the Deakin University Pre Service Teacher Language Award ceremony at the waterfront in Geelong, German Forum 2019, the 40th anniversary of the German Teachers’ Association of Victoria and other single language association celebrations and conferences. A recent meeting with Independent Schools’ Victoria should provide new opportunities in 2020 to engage with the sector.
MLTAV continues to strongly advocate with elected representatives on a State and Local level for quality languages programs and continuing recognition of, and support for languages Education across sectors and across levels. As languages educators, we are the converted. The Association must now also endeavour to engage the community with the
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