Page 7 - Languages Victoria December 2019
P. 7
Languages Victoria
value of languages discourse, perhaps something overlooked to some extent in recent years.
2020 will be a great year for Andrew Morabito as President. I know he will lead the Association with integrity and honesty and will endeavour to represent all Victorian language teachers to the best of his ability. He will be assisted by a wonderful Committee and Executive which will provide him with a range of expertise to draw from. Andrew, I look forward to working with Andrew, as Immediate Past-President, and wish him well in your new role.
Finally, to conclude the President’s report, again I would like to thank the MLTAV Executive – Vice- President Heather Brown, Treasurer and President- Elect Andrew Morabito and Secretary Catherine Spurritt for their work and ongoing support this year. Special thanks to Kerry O’Connor, our Office Manager. As we all know, Kerry does a wonderful job and often goes well beyond the work expectations. I would also like to thank her for leading the publications sub-committee of the MLTAV and for her project administration work.
Again, special thanks to the 2019 Committee for their time and dedication to the Association especially given the voluntary nature of the role.
A further thank you to the SLA representatives, MLTAV strategic partners, Sector representatives, Tertiary languages colleagues and MLTAV friends who continue to support our Association. It has been an honour to serve as President of the MLTAV.
Mille Grazie _________________________________________________________________
Volume 23 Number 1 Page 7