Page 8 - Languages Victoria December 2019
P. 8
Languages Victoria
MLTAV 2019 Annual General Meeting - Guest Speaker Guest Speaker:
Dr. David Howes, Deputy Secretary, School and Regional Services, Department of Education.
We are most grateful for David agreeing to share his PowerPoint used to support his speech at the AGM.
Below is a summary of David’s Address to the MLTAV AGM: Languages education in rural and regional Victoria - which leads into a copy of the PowerPoint he used to support his talk.
The Education State reform agenda is summarised by the twin goals of equity and excellence.
In languages education, that means providing equitable access to high quality languages programs.
The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring that all young Victorians have access to learning languages so they can participate in an increasingly globalised, multilingual world where the ability to communicate in, and across languages and cultures is critical.
It is important to recognise and acknowledge that languages education in Victoria is very strong, the strongest in the country.
Since 2012 there has been a significant increase in the percentage of Victorian government primary schools providing a language program, as the graphs below illustrate.
Page 8 Volume 23 Number 2