Page 21 - C:\Users\lois\OneDrive\00 FCS\Freelance Creative Clients\02 Poague Projects\SWBook Images\SINGLE BARREL FORMS\Manuals\Flip Manuals\
P. 21

SI NGL E  BA RRE L  P O L I C Y  H A ND BO O K                       P a ge  | 20


              Single Barrel Consulting, LLC is a smoking environment. Employees further acknowledge that exposure to
              tobacco smoke may be harmful to his/her health. By voluntarily choosing to work in a smoking environment,
              All employees assume the risk of harm that may come from exposure to environmental smoke and hold
              harmless Single Barrel Consulting, LLC which has offered these individuals said employment. This
              acknowledgment in no way modifies any status as an at-will employee.


              It is the policy of the Company to create a drug-free work place. The illegal use of controlled substances is
              inconsistent with the behavior expected of employees and Lessees, subjects all employees, Lessees and
              clients to unacceptable safety risks and undermines the Company’s ability to operate effectively and
              efficiently. In this connection, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale, or use
              of a controlled substance on Company property or while engaged in Company business off premises is
              strictly prohibited.

              We do not allow the use of Cannabis, Marijuana, or THC products while you are working at Company
              property. It is strictly forbidden to bring in or store these products or any controlled substance on company
              property without a prescription.

              To educate employees and Lessees on the dangers of drug abuse, the Company has conducted drug-free
              training sessions in the past. Periodically, employees may be required to attend training sessions at which the
              dangers of drug abuse, company policy regarding drugs and the availability of counseling may be discussed.
              These training sessions are open to Lessees, but are not required.

              Employees or Lessees who violate any aspect of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and
              including, respectively, termination of their employment or lease.  At its discretion, the management may
              require employees (but not Lessees) who violate this policy to successfully complete a drug abuse assistance
              or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment.

              The Company reserves the right to require employees (but not Lessees) to undergo appropriate tests designed
              to detect the presents of alcohol, illegal drugs, or other controlled substances where it has reason to believe
              that an employee may be under the influences of any of these substances or as part of a random test of
              employees. Each employee is expected to cooperate and consent as a condition of continued employment.
              Refusal to consent to such testing may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. We
              appreciate your help in keeping our club safe and drug free.


              These general rules are designed to provide you with knowledge of the recognized and established safe
              practices and procedures that apply to many of the work stations you may encounter while employed with
              Single Barrel Consulting, LLC. It would be impossible to cover every situation. If you are in doubt about the
              safety of any condition, practice, or procedure consult your supervisor for guidance.

              1.  Accidents and Hazards: Employees are responsible for notifying a supervisor immediately of any unsafe
              condition. Report all accidence or near misses to your supervisor before the end of your shift. Falsification of
              company records, including employment applications, time records, or safety documentation will not be
              2.  Alcohol and Drugs: Employees are to notify a supervisor of any prescription drugs that might affect the
              employees’ judgment. The use of illegal drugs or alcohol while on shift will not be tolerated.
              3.  Seatbelts: All employees who drive or travel on company time must use seat belts.
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