Page 22 - C:\Users\lois\OneDrive\00 FCS\Freelance Creative Clients\02 Poague Projects\SWBook Images\SINGLE BARREL FORMS\Manuals\Flip Manuals\
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SI NGL E  BA RRE L  P O L I C Y  H A ND BO O K                       P a ge  | 21

              4.  Horseplay: Wrestling, running, pushing or other disorderly conduct is forbidden.
              5.  Drinking Water: Always drink from regular water fountains or approved coolers.
              6. Housekeeping: All employees are required to keep their work areas clear of free of debris or other tripping
              or slipping hazards. Dispose of debris in the designated area.
              7.  Machinery: You must have instruction from a supervisor before operating any unfamiliar machinery.
              Report broken or malfunctioning equipment to your supervisor. All electrical equipment will be disconnected
              from the power source if a malfunction is detected. Only trained, authorized employees or permitted to
              service or repair equipment.
              8.  Hazardous Materials: You must have instruction from a supervisor before using any unfamiliar chemical.
              Follow proper use and handling procedures for all hazardous materials. Always wear protective gear.
              9. Hygiene: It is the employees’ responsibility to maintain personal hygiene when working with hazardous
              materials. Eat and smoke only in designated areas. Always wash your hands before and after you eat or
              10. Concentrate: Most accidents can be avoided or greatly reduced by concentrating on the job to be done.
              Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to all safety signs and labels. Safety is a full-time job.

              If you have any questions regarding any of the policy guidelines listed above, please contact your supervisor,
              or the Executive Director.
              Revised 01/01/2017
              Approved by the Executive Committee of Single Barrel Consulting, LLC Board of Directors
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