Page 8 - The Privilege of Caring
P. 8
Reaching Into Outlying Communities
The Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to to Children had statewide jurisdiction As transportation allowed agents to to travel more extensively in in rural rural areas they discovered true indications of rural rural poverty An An excerpt from the the the 1919 Annual Report notes that the the the conditions in in in in the the the the the rural areas were more distressing than those in in in in in in in the the the the the cities “During the the the the the year 1919 we we have found the the the the most revolting and inhumane conditions in in in in in the the the the rural communities There is very very great need of welfare organizations in in fin in every city and and town in in fin in our State who will not only find and and and report to to us existing conditions which interfere with with proper treatment and and and happiness of the the children but [who] will also stand with with us shoulder shoulder to to to shoulder shoulder in our our our endeavor to to to enforce the the laws to to to safeguard our our our children There is greater need of our our our 7
agency there there than in the the the cities or or more thickly settled villages In rural communities there there is no police officer under salary [R]espectable and law law abiding persons do not dare to make complaint of a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a law law breaker for fear that their barns will be be burned down For these reasons very serious wrongs have been allowed to continue for a a a a a a a a a a a a a long time ” In rural areas agents found cases of sexual abuse and and and incest extreme poverty abandoned children and and other alarming conditions Where gifts to the the Children’s Fund can be used for good purpose by the the RISPCC Does this answer for a a home?