Page 20 - Head Start Annual Report 2021-2022
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Sandra and          Debra Celio         AnneMarie D’Attelo  Misty Faella        Carole Gioffreda     Scott Holland       Blake and Eli Land
                  Anthony Bessacini  Zachary Charette    Elda Dawber         Mr. and Mrs.        Julie Gladding      Gregory Holt        Elizabeth Lanni
                 Willis Bilderback   Charities Aid       Christine Deacon     Anthony J. Fascitelli  Erin Glynn      Robin Hoskins       Genevieve Lapolla
                 Keryn Birrell        Foundation of America  Robert Deal     Ronald and          Anna Goerler        Brigette Houle      Michael LaPré
                 Emily Blackwell     Robert Chase        Tina Dean            Debra Fealhaber    Alaina Goldberg     Amanda Howard       Cathleen LaRose
                 Anthony Bogar       Rebecca Cherenzia   Eunice and          Suzanne Feather     Roberta Goldman, Ph.D.  Joanna Hunt     Kristi Lavoie
                 Nora Bolinski       Stephanie Chery      Denis Degre-Markley  Joanne Ferchland-Parella  Gregory Goodinson  Michael and   David Leal
                 Dana Borrelli-Murray  Richard Chevalier  Kristen Delayo     Debra Fernandes     Celine Goodson       Deborah Iannuccilli  Marianne Leblanc
                 Deborah Bouchard    Margaret Ciborowski  Delta T Service    Maria D. Ferreira   Brooke Gordon       Agnes Ilic          Cha Lee
                 Kristyn Bourne      Joshua Clark         Corporation        Gina Ferri          Pablo Gramajo       Mina Interiano      Robin Leonti
                 Lynn Brennan        Mary Clark          Marie and Richard DeLuca  Maryann       Peter Grampp        Elisa Jepson        Cindy Lepore
                 Ysabella Brown      Fidelia Coderre     Kyla DePonte        Tracy Finn          Susan Grant         Tracey Jobin        Diane Lischio
                 Jacinta Bunnell     John Coffey         Jaime Desiderio     Five Seasons Sports &   Pamela and Daniel Greene  Stephanie Johnson  Grace Liu
                 Anthony Buonanno    Julie Colangeli     Linda DeVincent      Recreation         Paula Greenwood     Amber Jones         Michael and Karen Lopes
                 Jennifer Burgess    Justin Connolly     Ligia Diaz          Gabriella Florio    Alexandra Grigorian  Deborah Joseph     Michelle Lopes
                 Jamie Burke         Kazmirz Contre      John DiCosimo       Ashley Foley        Christine Grover Sackett  Danielle Kachapis  Erica Lovell
                 Kelly Burns         Ghislaine Coogan    Denise DiMarzio     Lisa Forsberg       Brenda and Ron Grundy  Michael Kalliotzis  John Luipold
                 Sophia Burvenich    Rachel R. Cooper    Rubia Doan          Lorrie Foster       Erica L. Guerrero   Peter Kaplan        John and Suzanne Lynes
                 Kara Butler         Mary and John Corcoran  Erin Dobson     Michelle Francis    Nicole Haas-Rodriguez  Puneet Kapoor    Mary and Joseph Lyons
                 Michelle Butler     Sandra and          Barbara Dockray     Carrie Frazier      Robert and Lisa Hagberg  Michael and    Sheila Lytle
                 Donna Cabral         Robert Correira    Anna Donovan        Debbie French       Mariam Han           Elizabeth Karolewski  Helene Macedo
                 Chloe Cabral        Ellen Cosgrove      Suzanne Donovan     Michael Friedman    Nannette Hanoian    Kathleen Keenan     Shelby Mack
                 Joanne Cafferky     Lindsay Cote        Colin Dougherty     Veronica Froment    Elizabeth Harman    H. John and Susan Keimig  Ruth Maille
                 Harvey and          Michelle Cotton     Melissa Doumato     FrontStream Panorama   Andrea and       Catherine Kelleher  Cassidy Maksy
                  Gladys Cahoone     Jennifer Courcy     Rakesh Duggirala     Workplace, Inc.     Jeffrey Harnish    James P. Keller     Kristin Mancone
                 Kathy Calandra      Adam Couri          Diana Duguay        Ian Fullerton       Harriet’s Kitchen   Maureen Kelman      Deepti Mani
                 Jacqueline Calcano  Samantha Couto      Treiva Dungee       John Gage           Chad Haywood        Jeannine Kent       Kathleen and
                 Richard and         Victor and Joan Couto  Mary Dunn        Claudia Galeano     Nancy Heagney       Jennifer Kilduff     Robert Marco
                  Deborah Campopiano  Amy and Jeffrey Crawford  Beth Dunnington  Amy Galt        Michelle Hebert     Briggs Killilea     Keith Marks
                 Peter and Ann Canole  Kathleen Crawley  Miriam Duvel        Garage Headquarters  Cheryl Heise       Nancy Killilea      Pamela Marroquin
                 Louis Cappucci      Justin Crosby       Katherine Dwyer     James Gardner       Rebecca Henriquez   Jackson Killilea    Robert and Susan Martel
                 Dea Carcieri        Vicki Crowningshield  Duane Easter      Susan and Jim Garlington  Orlando and Allison   Mary Kilsey  Patrick Martin, C.P.A.
                 Sarah Cardin        Beverly Cull        Gary and Mary Eastman  Diana Garlington  Hernandez          Wendy King          Jennifer Martin
                 Amanda Carreiro     Philippa Cully      Tracy Edwards       Kimberly Gaudreau   Jeny Hernandez      Julia Kliever       Scott Mathieu
                 Pamela Carter       Christophe Cunha    Renee Eger          Joseph and          Leila Hill          Melissa Kolinsky    Marilyn McConaghy
                 David and Madonna   Kathleen Cush       Katrina Ellis        Helene Gemma       Megan and Dave Hinckley  Staci Korske   Nichole McDonald
                  Cartier            Judith Danho        Steven Emilio       Kelly Geragotelis   Michelle Hirst      Anne Kramer         Kevin McEntee
                 Sally Caruso        Christopher Daniel  William and         Jennifer Geremia    Kenneth and Willa   Stanley J. Kuziel, Jr.  Dorothy McGee
                 Alisa Catani        Stephen Dao          Elizabeth Emmet    Irene Giannenakis    Hogberg            Alex Lancey         Shannon McHale
                 Linda Cavaliere     Maria DaPonte       Jaime and Erika Estades  John Gillette  Mary Jane and       Elaine, Jeff, Joelye,   Eileen Meehan
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