Page 15 - Head Start Annual Report 2021-2022
P. 15

88                                               164,672                                            176

                Children were placed in safe                     Nutritious meals were provided to                  Families received quality, bilingual
                and stable foster homes.                         children in our programs.                          child care services

                291                                              5,948                                              1,263

                Children attended our                            Families received healthy foods, nutrition         Children and their families participated
                Universal Pre-K program                          education, and health referrals from our WIC program  in our high-quality Head Start program

                593                                              303                                                127

                Children with developmental disabilities         Families received regular home visits from         Substance-affected families participated
                and their families were helped through our Early   a Registered Nurse through our Nurse-Family      in intensive home-based services through Project
                Intervention program.                            Partnership program for first time moms and their   Connect, designed to help parents overcome
                                                                 children from pregnancy to age two                 addiction while safely parenting their children

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