Page 11 - Head Start Annual Report 2021-2022
P. 11

When Tracy was leaving the hospital    So, rather than overwhelming Tracy      with Dr. James Greer, a psychiatrist
                                      with her newborn, a call went out      with multiple visitors, the care team   who works with Children’s Friend to
                                      to our First Connections program.      took a measured approach. Lori          support families and consult with
                                      “Get in touch with this mom as         followed up with Tracy to discuss       staff. He provided Tracy and her
                                      soon as possible. She should be        the support that First Connections      mother with immediate support and
                                      seen by a nurse immediately.” First    Nurse, Laura, might provide, such       offered long-term options for man-
                                      Connections, a short-term nurse        as developmental assessments and        aging her concerns about school and
                                      home-visiting program that links       education. Thoughtful teamwork paid
                                      new parents to services and provides   off. Tracy agreed to a visit. After a   mental health.
                                      health education and developmental     warm introduction, Laura met Tracy.     Following that intervention, First
                                      screenings, gets called like this when                                         Connections was ready to end
                                      a family in need of additional support                                         their work while Lori continued
                                      takes their newborn home for the                                               to support Tracy and Sam. Tracy
                                      first time. Tracy had given birth to                                           recently returned to school and the
                                      Sam, a healthy baby boy. But as a       TRACY AND HER TEAM                     team helped her advocate to get
                                      young teenager not yet in high school
                                      herself, it was essential to make sure   CAME UP WITH A PLAN.                  the support she needs, including
                                      she had every necessary support.                                               the privacy to pump breastmilk for
                                                                                                                     Sam. Tracy was accepted into two
                                      Our teams sprang into action.                                                  application-only high schools for
                                      Brianne, our First Connections         During their visit, Tracy shared
                                      Coordinator, contacted Tracy. Keiry,   concerns about returning to school      next year. Together, Tracy, Tracy’s
                                      on our Centralized Intake team,        and her mental health. Tracy and        mother, and Lori are tracking Sam’s
                                      discovered that Tracy was already      her mother were interested in long-     development. Tracy and Sam are
                                      involved with Healthy Families         term support, but given Tracy’s age     developing a strong mother-child
                                      America, another of our programs.      and situation, typical resources for    bond and Tracy is exclusively
                                      For months, Tracy had worked           new mothers experiencing stress or      breastfeeding Sam.
                                      with Family Support Worker Lori to     depression were not the right fit. The
                                      prepare for Sam’s birth.               team was faced with a challenge:
                                                                             what is the right kind of support for
                                      The moment of a first homecoming       this young teenage mom coping with
                                      with mother and baby is often a        a newborn, worried about returning
                                      vulnerable time for new parents.       to school, and facing her own mental
                                                                             health challenges?
                                                                             Tracy and her team came up with a
                                                                             plan. They arranged for Tracy to meet

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