Page 7 - Head Start Annual Report 2021-2022
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EHS improves a child’s cognitive, Hospital to have masses removed
language, and behavioral from her neck area. Marli never left
outcomes, but even more striking her side, for the full week.
is the program’s influence on and THE EHS FAMILY Ava recovered from surgery and
partnership with parents. Parents are continued in our EHS Infant/Toddler
more likely to read to their children ADVOCATE BEGAN room at Dexter. EHS and EI continued
and less likely to resort to punitive to work with Marli to have little Ava
discipline when they are involved WORKING WITH BABY evaluated with the Pawtucket School
in EHS. EHS staff partner with and Department for an Individualized
empower parents in their journey AVA WHEN SHE WAS Education Plan. Ava received a
of growth, for both themselves and school department placement
their children. With the referral to 11 MONTHS OLD. and when she turned three years
our EHS program, Marli was about to old, transferred to a pre-school
begin that journey, but it would not classroom in the Pawtucket school
be easy. Advocate and canceled most of system.
her scheduled home visits. Instead
Marli came from a broken and dys- of closing the case, the program While working with and supporting
functional home. Her parents had manager assigned Marli’s case to Mom to address all of Ava’s
separated when Marli was young, another Advocate. And this time, the developmental needs, the EHS
so she spent her youth bouncing fit was right! Advocate also helped Marli work on
between her parents’ homes. One her mental health concerns. Marli’s
day when she was a young teen, The EHS Family Advocate began anxiety and panic attacks were
Marli was nowhere to be found. Each working with baby Ava when she was preventing her from keeping a job.
parent just thought she was at the 11 months old. As the months pro- Her Advocate helped Marli resolve
other parent’s house. In reality, Marli gressed, Ava demonstrated physical housing insecurity, food insecurity,
had been kidnapped on her way and speech developmental delays, heating disruption, benefits being
home from school. Since her parents and she and Mom were helped by suspended, and relationship conflicts
didn’t know she was missing, neither our Early Intervention (EI) program resulting in restraining orders.
bothered to look for her. Marli was for families with children under three
held for three days. During that time, with developmental disabilities. Before closing the family to EHS, the
she was raped. EI specialists felt that Ava needed Advocate wanted to make sure there
further evaluation, and she was re- was another supportive service in
Not surprisingly, Marli struggles with ferred to the Hasbro Children’s Hos- place for Marli and Ava. She made
mental health issues (depression, pital Children’s Neurodevelopment a warm handoff from EHS to our
anxiety, PTSD, and borderline Center for a neurological evaluation Family Care Community Partnership
personality disorder), physical and and to an audiologist for a hearing program. Marli was so grateful
relationship issues. As the first-time evaluation. Those were not the baby’s for the services she received and
mother of baby, Ava, she needed a only challenges. What was initially the relationships she formed, that
wide range of supports. At first, Marli thought to be swollen lymph nodes, she occasionally calls her former
did not bond with her EHS Family was eventually diagnosed as a non-tu- Advocate, just to check in and talk.
berculous mycobacteria infection. Ava
spent a week at Hasbro Children’s
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