Page 3 - Head Start Annual Report 2021-2022
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As I sit down to write this, it’s been a access to healthy food, to the never-
little more than two years since COVID-19 ending need to create home learning
turned our personal and professional lives activities for days when our classrooms
upside-down and placed so much new must close due to COVID exposure.
stress on already vulnerable families Our cover says “Innovation + Teamwork
and communities.
= Strong Families.” I know it isn’t that
I am tremendously proud of the simple – it takes hard work, creativity, and
performance of Children’s Friend staff boundless patience, too. We tell just a few
all through the pandemic. They’ve done of these innovation stories in the pages
much more than just keep us operating -- that follow.
although that is an accomplishment worth
bragging about. All through COVID, we did I want to thank our donors, supporters,
not close any programs. But beyond that, and friends who have made innovation
all over the organization, staff and families at Children’s Friend possible. And, I want
have worked together in new ways to to thank our staff, my colleagues, who
support our children and their parents. bring dedication, grit, and resilience to
work every day. They remind us of the
It’s often said that COVID-19 has difference between a job and a calling.
brought about a “new normal.” Here at
Children’s Friend, we are building a better Thank you all for making Children’s Friend
normal. This organization has risen to a better place.
the challenge of COVID and launched
innovations big and small, ranging from a Sincerely,
new way to assess children’s socialization
through a family event in the park, to
myriad ways to ensure that the more than
6,000 families in our Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, David Caprio
and Children (WIC) have uninterrupted President and Chief Executive Officer
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