Page 6 - Head Start Annual Report 2021-2022
P. 6


                                                                                              HEAD START

                                                                                               A TWO-GENERATIONAL

                                                                                               APPROACH TO

                                                                                               STRENGTHENING OUTCOMES

                                                                                               Many parents we serve ask: How can I give
                                                                                               what I never received? That is certainly true of
                                                                                               Marli, mother of Ava. Within the first year of her
                                                                                               daughter’s life, Marli was reported to DCYF twice.
                                                                                               That is how she became involved in our First
                                                                                               Connections program where staff quickly referred
                                                                                               her and her daughter to our Early Head Start
                                                                                               (EHS) program.

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