Page 8 - Head Start Annual Report 2021-2022
P. 8

LIVES CHANGED                          services to this new virtual environ-   Marcus is three and a half now,
                                                                                                    and aged out of EI after making
                                                            ment,  Marcus and Ana’s world was
                     THROUGH EARLY                          changing, too. Ana fould herself at     tremendous progress. If you asked
                                                                                                    Ana, she would tell you that her
                                                            home with her son full-time, as a
                     INTERVENTION AND                       single parent. Together, EI and Ana     EI team is responsible for all this.
                                                                                                    However, throughout Marcus’ time
                                                            completed a virtual evaluation and
                                                            soon began virtual visits with a team   in EI, the team providers on the case
                     COLLABORATION                          of EI therapists designed to address    credited Ana as the one responsible
                                                            Ana’s concerns. The team included       for Marcus’ successes.
                     Marcus was referred to Early           an Early Interventionist, Dietitian, Oc-  Marcus’ story is full of positive
                     Intervention (EI) in February of       cupational Therapist, Physical Ther-    outcomes. He participates in daily
                     2020, shortly before the COVID-        apist, Speech-Language Pathologist      activities at home, like eating regular
                     19 pandemic changed everyone’s         and an Interpreter. The collaborative   meals and helping out with simple
                     worlds. At 16 months of age,           relationship that the EI providers      tasks. He plays and communicates
                     Marcus had not met many typical        developed with Ana during the intake    with his parents and others. He
                     developmental milestones. His          process supported her to be able to     continues to receive services now
                     mother, Ana, a former infant-toddler   discuss her concerns with the team.     provided through the school
                     teacher, recognized behaviors          The team used creative strategies       department and his Individualized
                     in Marcus that seemed atypical         along with Ana to learn  what worked    Education Plan. The best part of
                     for a child his age. He was not        for Marcus. They all listened to Ana,   Marcus’ story is not just the posi-
                     tolerating solid foods and seemed      guided her through the setbacks         tive outcomes, but rather the way
                     overly sensitive to sounds. Ana        and celebrated each milestone           those outcomes were achieved. Ana
                     and Marcus’ pediatrician made the      with Marcus.                            showed her dedication by trying out
                     decision to seek additional support                                            strategies and offering feedback,
                     from the EI program at Children’s      As their work continued, Ana and        and being open to share her strug-
                     Friend. The EI program serves          the team pursued further evaluation     gles and triumphs with the team,
                     families with children under three     for Marcus, which led to an Autism      and the EI team was right there with
                     who have diagnosed or suspected        Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis.      her. Together, Ana and Marcus’ EI
                     developmental disabilities.            As a result of that diagnosis, Ana      team learned and played; they tried
                                                            and Marcus were able to  participate
                     Less than a month after Marcus was     in an innovative virtual occupation-    things out, and they supported each
                     referred to EI, the COVID-19 pan-      al therapy group that offered Ana       other. That intensive collaboration
                     demic forced all Early Intervention    opportunities to learn with other       led to those beautiful outcomes and
                     services to switch from in-home,       parents. The team also helped Ana       demonstrated that the new ways of
                     face-to-face meetings to virtual visits   to find a dentist and new pediatrician   working, developed during COVID-
                     and phone calls. While the Early In-   for Marcus. At what was undoubtedly     19, would work to support families in
                     tervention team worked to transition                                           any environment.
                                                            a very vulnerable time for any parent,
                                                            Ana was able to lean on her Early
                                                            Intervention team for information,
                                                            resources, and support.

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