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2.0 Change in the educational world

            Figure 2.1 Forces influencing learning       Is education changing to reflect the equally radical impact of
                                                         information technology on its world? Or are the old modes
                                                         of learning still in place? I would say that, at the moment, everything
                                                         is up for grabs within the educational world. Technology, particularly
                                                         the internet, has fundamentally altered notions of place, time and
                                                         space. It has influenced where learning takes place, when it takes
                                                         place and how it takes place. It has led to new models for learning
                                                         and teaching that are based on what technology enables, but also
                                                         on improved understanding of how the brain works and how
                                                         people absorb information.

                                                         The impact of information technology is being experienced in
                                                         education in the context of other changes too. The notion that
                                                         people train once for a career and then stick in that career until
                                                         retirement is being replaced by the idea of continual training and
                                                         re-education throughout life, which also means that the population
            Forces for integration
                                                         of education is changing. And the financial context for education
            – Just-in-time/on-the-job learning
                                                         has changed, with factors such as competition for students and
            – Interdisciplinary exploration for innovation
                                                         life-long learning. The trend towards the blending of learning, living,
            – Internships and experiential learning
                                                         and leisure makes the situation yet more challenging and exciting.
            – Fused learning patterns
                                                         The educational sector is also facing the impact of changes in
            – Convergence of media and IT technologies
                                                         government policy; ideals about doing things differently have huge
            Changes in learning styles                   ramifications for physical space – the learning estate – as well as
            – Didactic to active learning modalities     for learning processes across the sector. To sum up the situation,
            – Individual to collaborative group work     education in the UK is now facing major pressures. This diagram
            – Problem-based learning                     indicates the ‘broadband’ of forces now influencing learning
            – Life-long learning                         Figure 2.1. It illustrates the reasons behind a shift away from
            – Virtual learning communities               an unquestioning belief in the efficacy of classroom delivery and
            – Game-based learning                        towards a range of learning modalities.
            Learning tools and support systems           In a way, we’re trying to predict the future and it helps to
            – Podcasts, streaming video and web delivery  understand what’s particular to this moment in history. For the
            – Rich multimedia, image sharing             first time there are four generations of people at the same time in
            – Portfolios                                 work and learning environments – Baby Boomers, Generation X,
            – Simulation and augmented reality experiences  Net Gen and now Neo-Millennials. We’re just beginning to
            – Proliferation of mobile devices            understand Net Gen, the iPod generation, who were beautifully
            – Course management systems                  described by an academic we were working with as ‘students
            – Wikis and collaborative tools              in a state of continuous partial attention’. But how is the next
            – Messaging and aggregation tools            generation characterised – the Neo-Millennials born post-1991?

                                                         5 Change in the educational world
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