Page 297 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 297
As the advertising slogan for Nike says, 'Just Do It'. All the planning in the world will not get you to achieve your goals unless you take consistent action in
accordance with your plan. This is consistent use of your affirmations, visualisations, review structure - weekly sessions with your coach or 'goal-buddy', and
'acting as if. Every little step you take builds on the last to create a cumulative growth effect, until before you realise it, you're taking giant strides.
Tony Robbins says; "we overestimate what we can achieve in a year, and underestimate what we can achieve in a decade."
You deserve it
Don't forget to reward yourself for your achievements. Set milestones along the way and celebrate!
The power of passion – a magnet for your goals
Let’s explore a topic provides rocket fuel to living an authentic happy life and accomplishment of goals. We are talking about the power of passion.
Do you wake up every day feeling excited and eager to embrace whatever is in store for you - regardless of whether your day will be filled with exciting new
possibilities or challenges for you to grow? Or are you more like the millions of people who live their lives in autopilot mode with hectic lifestyles that don't
permit them opportunities to explore their dreams and experience true happiness?
People who live with passion have a strong sense of their identity, what they want, and what they're here to do. They live in the now and experience success,
live joyfully, have fulfilling relationships, and enjoy miracles daily because they are living in alignment with their values, dreams and purposes. Passion is
the driving force behind the reason you are here. It is the key to connecting to your spirit and discovering your divine purpose. It fills you with confidence,
heals your wounds, guides you to be true to yourself and gives you the courage to succeed in spite of any obstacles.
Everyone has a reason for being here - especially during this crucial time in history as we are in the process of giving birth to a new world. Each one of us
has the potential to make a difference by becoming whole, connecting with our spirit, and living with passion. Do you experience:
• Filling your day with activities you have to do rather than want to do
• Feelings of being overwhelmed or frustrated by life
• Feelings of general discontent, anger, hopelessness, pain, worry etc
• Going through the motions of life with little satisfaction
• Feeling drained of energy, always tired or recovering from illness
• The same nagging problems repeating over and over again in your life
• Drug, alcohol, and cigarette addictions, eating disorders, excessive spending
Any or all of the above are symptoms of disconnected passion.