Page 301 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
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Look Inside. Your passion is as personal as your fingerprint. No one can thrust passion on you. Nor can it be conjured up. It's there, inside, just like your
heartbeat. It's the thing or things that really matter to you, that you pound the table over.
Listen to Others. Receiving compliments and encouragement - believing and embracing them - can give us that extra push to pursue our passions.
Turn Pain Into Passion. Positive reinforcement isn't the only thing that fosters passion. In fact, many say it is born out of pain. It can be the pain of a life that
seems to be going the wrong way.
Willing to Pay the Price. When you care deeply about something, that caring invokes commitment and risk. Grace is a dancer. The fluid grace of seemingly
effortless movements is only achieved by spending half her life working out. "At 34, I've had to sacrifice a lot. Dancing gives me a wonderful sense of internal
life." Grace also dances to "impart life and pleasure" to other people.
Her advice: "You have to live fully what you love doing. There are always obstaces in the path of what and who you really love. Barriers and difficulties.
Everything comes for a reason, for us to grow and learn”.
If you discover you're passionate about something you're not currently working at, do you have to disrupt your life to pursue your "new" passions? What about
the constraints of time and money? Even the best things in life - relationships with family, children, loved ones - can have a way of sidelining our passion.
In the ebb and flow of life, one passion may fade, only for another to take its place.
That's how it has been for Grace. Over time however, marriage, pregnancy and financial constraints have kept her from pursuing her lifestyle with unbridled
abandon. Still, she finds an outlet for her passion - at least for now - She enjoys encouraging her boys in their amatuer dramatics, who, "If it bring me and my
sons together," she says, "it means quality time and good parenting."
During this season of life, family is her main passion. Her own painful past heightened her desire to invest her best in her loving relationships. "I come from a
diffilcult relationships, so I try to make it balanced for my children. I spend quality time with them, teach them things they wouldn't learn on television”.
"Someday, I'll get back to my other passions," says Grace. In the meantime, she dances with her children in the kitchen. She dreams of one day owning her
own business. And she keeps her heart set on living passionately. "A lot of people have a stiff upper lip, especially women. It is important for your quality of
life to have passions. You should let them out."
Compassion - A Powerful Doorway to Personal Growth
We often hear about needing to show compassion for others, but what about compassion for oneself? The next few paragraphs are about the problems that Page301
occur when we are compassionate toward others but not toward ourselves.