Page 393 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
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Look forward to the future When life breaks your heart, dust yourself off, and get back up there. Start looking forward to what the future holds for you. Set
goals, and then make a plan to meet those goals. When you begin to focus on the future, you will soon forget the past, and anything that has caused you
heartache and pain.
Appreciate you way through crisis Write a list of the things you like, then pick three of those things and put those things in your life - now. Make sure you
can afford them and that they aren't harmful. When our hearts are broken, we often deprive ourselves of the things we enjoy. Make an effort to put enjoyment
in your life. Focus on the people and things of value in your life and look for ways of appreciating them more.
Bless If we all adopted the principle of an “eye for an eye” the whole world would be blind. Don't return evil for evil, hurt for hurt, pain for pain. Don't wish
something horrible would happen to the other person. Hope for their happiness, and it just may release your good fortune in your world.
The easiest way to forget someone, is to truly wish them well.
Glorify: Life is not over. You can live without them. Not only can you live without them, you can live even happier without them. It is a matter of perspective.
Even with the negative in your world at the moment, there is something to be thankful for.
After time, you will discover there is plenty to be thankful for. Thank God and appreciate what you have. You can't be sad and grateful at the same time.
How to tell if you’re not being loved enough
Here are some warning signs that you may be in a relationship in which you are loving your partner more than you are being loved. Be COMPLETELY honest
with yourself, even if it hurts.
1. You are usually the one who reaches out first to be affectionate physically, (reaching for your partner's hand, offering a hug, giving a kiss, etc.).
2. You want to make love, to be intimate and loving when you are in bed, but your partner is into just having sex.
3. You go out of your way to be with him or do things for him, but your partner rarely goes out of his way for you.
4. In the beginning of the relationship you told your family about your partner before he told his family about you.
5. You are the one who makes most of the plans to do things together—restaurant reservations, weekend outings, romantic evenings—and your partner seems
just to go along without showing a lot of enthusiasm.
6. You seem much more excited about being in the relationship than your partner, who doesn't show you how much it means to him.
7. On special occasions your gifts to your partner are well-thought-out and personal, while his seem last-minute and impersonal.
8. You initiate most of the contact in the relationship-phone calls, discussions, etc.
9. When you talk about your relationship, your future together, or your feelings for one another, your partner becomes very uncomfortable and unresponsive,
or changes the subject. Page393
10. You seem to be fitting yourself into your partner's life, habits, and schedule, and he doesn't make efforts to fit into your life and schedule.