Page 395 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 395
You will never lose love
We have talked previously about how our greatest experiences for growth are presented to us in the form of discomfort, pain and suffering. The
loss of love is a perfect example.
It is an irony of life that one of the most profound lessons we will learn is when we experience a loss of love. It is a lesson from these very experiences
from our past that teach us the most, for out of them emerge a wisdom you will not achieve in any other way.
Most love stories begin happily, with the person you love attracting your affection, admiration and respect. It may seem like this person is the fulfilment of all your
secret wishes for a desired partner. You might experience an amazed feeling that this person seems to appreciate all the different parts of you, parts that had never
been fully accepted by anyone. You will feel so much in love, love unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. You will marvel at the pleasure you feel as you sit for
hours feeling waves and waves of ecstasy. With each visit, each phone call, each letter, each contact, you may get higher and higher.
Then, things begin to go wrong and your dream of finding a soul mate turn into a nightmare unlike anything your have ever experienced. The details will differ
from relationship to relationship. Your dream person may start a relationship with someone else without even telling you about it, or a part of their character or
past may be revealed that is repugnant to you. You may experience the horror that during your time together they were involved with other people, sending the
same love letters, expressing the same feelings, word for word.
Undoubtedly, you will feel shocked, heartbroken, devastated, deceived, and used. You may lie on your bed and sob until exhaustion forces your body to sleep. It
may not be the first time you have experienced hurt, but it may be the first time you’ve felt so lied to and betrayed. You will mourn, not just for what you feel you
have lost, but more sadly for what you now know you never actually had in the first place.
As time passes you will ask yourself if you have been deluding yourself, living in a dream world, manufacturing the emotions you thought you had experienced. In
your heart, you know this isn’t true, that you had felt love, you had felt joy, You had felt ecstasy. At the time, you felt sure that they were feeling that same love. Now
you know they weren’t.
The deeper you search, the closer you will get to the realisation of the truth. All along you felt this person was giving you intense love and profound intimacy.
You felt these feelings, so if they weren’t the source, who/what was?
Suddenly, it will become clear and obvious to you. When it hits you, and you fully understand this, you are on the road to recovery.
All of the love, joy and ecstasy you felt came from inside of you!
When you felt all that love, whose love were you feeling? Yours. Whose joy were you feeling? Yours. Whose ecstasy were you feeling? Yours.